Live stream with Seth and Vance with Q&A

0:05 Good morning, Winners', Happy Saturday to you. 0:07 ...

Good morning, Winners', Happy Saturday to you.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday morning. I know it's probably early for some of you. Some of you, it's probably not so early.
We got us a nice special presentation today from Seth in Advance.
And let me just share screen with you guys.
I'm gonna recap a couple of thing, because I know there's a few people here that have no clue about what we're talking about. And the reason I'm saying that is, you're just come into the scene of crypto.
You weren't here. I guess. it was last December.
And we were, we're introducing through the, uh, bootcamp that I did, and by the way, Georgia, you're here.
I am, good morning. Hey, everybody, your good morning.
So I did a bootcamp called Raise Your Financial IQ. I think it was the third module.
Maybe the fourth module. But I think the third module, that we introduced a tool for people to use.
That is a couple of hundred years old. Most people don't know about it, and the people that think they know about it.
They know about a very close second option that that just doesn't work out nearly the same.
No, because there's a lot of people that have tried to duplicate this and just go. Oh, you can use this and it works out fine, and of course, Seth Advance can tell you why that's not the case.
I'll be bringing them on here in just a minute.
Um, but also, let me just say this: I have introduced about three things to this group in three years.
So if you're new here today, I don't, I don't use this platform to say, oh, come on, come all, let's go sell these people. Everything we can sell them.
But if I run across something, that, every now and then, you run across things in your life, where you say, I can't not share that, and I'll give you an example that I can't not share, George, with this group, because George is so unbelievably helpful, does he have a lot of things for sale? Yeah.
It's called knowledge, How to put more money in your pocket.
And that's the same thing, was Seth and Mance, you're going to hear from these guys here in just a couple of minutes, and I'll bring them in.
But I just wanted to lay a little bit of a fount foundation for you guys and help you understand that.
We in crypto, we have a few problems in crypto.
And, you know, one of those problems is, what are we going to do about the huge, large number called the tax number? Right?
These guys help with that.
What are we going to do about our privacy? These guys help with that.
How are we going to grow our money tax free when we pull it out of crypto? Crypto went away tomorrow, and that's always an option. That can always happen. This is still, last time I checked an experiment.
It's working out pretty good, but last time I checked, it wasn't experiment.
And how are you going to take your money, and grow it? tax free?
Wow, Here's another problem we all have, we all have problems that keeps getting bigger with the banking system.
So this, this particular solution that Vance and Seth are going to be talking to you about here. It helps you fix that solution because you can become your own bank.
And so there's a whole host of problems that this product, this solution, comes into play, and can be a huge, huge, asset on the page, where you're trying to figure out, OK, what do I do now?
And so let me just see, let me go down here and see if both these guys are here with us. I know. I saw Seth already, let me bring him in first.
Yeah, let me bring him in right here.
Whoops, wrong one, The screen's jumpin' on me.
Good morning, Saturday, there, buddy, I'm here, good morning Jay. Good morning, George. Good morning everyone.
Good morning, Buddy. So guys, I don't see Vance at this time, so we'll keep waiting on him. But let me introduce Seth to you guys.
Seth has most of his career, has practiced law, I think on the West Coast, if I'm not mistaken. And Seth has done, I think everything he focuses on today is the ABC concept called Infiniti Banking Concept.
You're seeing the book on your screen of our Nelson Nash, or the Late R Nelson Nash?
May he rest in peace? We lost him, I guess, two years ago?
And I kind of brought this back around to people because our fancy government had kinda said, hey, we don't like that. That's not we don't want that available for people. And so they kind of do what they could to push it out.
And this man Nelson was responsible for bringing that back around, and he brought on a mentor, which is Seth's partner, Vance? And, you know, Vance has has, I guess, to some degree, been a bit of a mentor, even to Seth. But at the same time, Ceph, Seth fills that piece of the puzzle to where he does asset allocation. He does privacy.
You know, Hill will teach you the strategy of how you move forward and do it with the least amount of disruptions, right? So Ceph. good morning, and thank you for being here.
Good morning, Jay. Thank you for having us. This is, it was a novel thing to me, about 4 or 5 years ago. Like you said, gee, I've got a background in transactional law, and entrepreneurship scaling businesses.
But with the core being the practice of law, and no more recently, when I came into contact with Vance, and he read killed me to the IBC infinite banking concept. It really blew me away. And here's why.
Because I'd spent 20 years helping people structure businesses and protect personal assets, because it's not what you make, It's what you keep that count. I think we've heard that before.
You've heard it before. It's PF.
There's been a lot of clients that have suffered greatly and unnecessarily.
So, because they came to plan for asset protection after there were problems, because you really need to plan and prepare for a storm before it happens, not while it's happening. And that deals with seasoning.
And the sooner that people plan for asset protection, The more creedence it's given in the eyes of the law.
If you have liability that's coming your direction or anticipated liability coming your direction and let me just inject for a moment, I'm heavy in real estate.
And if you're a real estate owner or developer, you're, I think, the statistical evidence, you're likely to be sued seven times over the course of that career seven times. And there are other professions, like surgeons, and other high risk areas that, you know, you're sued a lot more than that if you're a roofer.
If you're a roofing company and I have a client that's a it's a roofing company.
He may be on the call and he could provide a real good case study for what people need to do. You know, I had a conversation with him. And, this is a little bit of a departure J, but A lay this foundation that will help people understand the big picture.
And, so, that this guy had was a real estate developer in the last cycle, and incurred.
The same type of challenges everyone else did in the mortgage crisis, where construction financing was not converted into permanent financing. The permanent financing drive up construction projects, stop people didn't get paid, lenders didn't get paid, and there's foreclosures. Well, he was a multi-millionaire at that point, and then had signed personal guarantees.
On his real estate transactions, banks were foreclosing on all of his assets coming after his personal assets, because he wasn't structured entitled properly. And this guy made it all back.
And Sam, and said, I don't want to do that again.
No, I don't want to lose that all again. I could have played Smarter and done things better, and one of the primary tools, he used to do it was Infinite Banking Concept.
And the reason that that was so valuable in his jurisdiction is, because all of the money, that he banks into his private banking bank, his family bank, the IBC bank that we structure for him, is totally protected from creditors. Totally protected from feeds, snoops, and anyone and everyone by Texas statute. And many of the Southern states give an absolute protection. And if you don't live in a Southern state, you live in a Northern state. This is in the US. There are other structural ways to accomplish it, but the whole point of.
Asset protection with one single contract and an IPC policy versus multi-layered structures and lots of other expensive legal ways to help people maintain assets off shore.
Trust, expenses, tiered structures Where, you know, you have to call your attorney every single time you you move.
That is all tromped and Aced by a single contract, which is a slam dunk. So, that was one of the epiphany moments, when I realized, wow, you can accomplish this. and an even better fashion, with the stroke of one pen.
So that was one of the major epiphany for me. And it's a major motivator for a lot of my clients and people that I speak with in the specific you want to, I'll just take a breath there.
Jan, let you comment or, George comment if you guys want to ask a question, because that's a little bit of a of, a foundational place and not where we're ultimately going, but it helps.
Yeah, and before we go to, for, just, for folks that are coming for the first time, give a three minute dissertation of exactly what IBC is, from your perspective, having used it, having had it for quite some time It is your bank.
But, there are some folks here that this is probably the first time they've ever even heard the concept, ever been here, all the above.
So, just before we go to 24, lay a little, couple, three mental foundation of what is it?
You got it.
Well, the infinite banking concept actually dates back hundreds of years, and it is an insurance contract that people have used to bank their cash assets.
And before the local corner bank existed, which was the creation of a current culture, people banked through insurance contracts. It's a very well-known tool.
The likes of Ray Kroc who developed McDonald's, JC penney's, and numerous other £800 gorillas utilize it on their balance sheets. to grow wealth, Wells Fargo: many centralized banks use it expertly.
And the reason they do is because of the seven pillars that I call it. And these are my terms of art. If you go and you learn from Nelson Nash, he's going to give you an esoteric, more of a conceptual way of thinking, and IBC is a way of thinking. But I'm much more nuts and bolts, black and white shortcut to the point and here is the shortcut to the point. Here are the seven pillars of ABC.
You can absolutely protect all of your cash assets from creditors from the government, from from thieves from snoops and from anyone. You don't want to know that you have assets so its assets protected now.
Contrast that with your money and your centralized bank account, your Wells Fargo, Bank of America or your localized bank It is not asset protected and it is absolutely subject to being bailed in a **** in the bank failure If that bank fails they have the right to take your deposits.
And you have to basically get in line as an unsecured creditor and hope that you get pennies on the dollar. That is absolutely the relationship. And if, if, if anyone wants to research that, I'll give you sites on something on the side. That's been the banking law for hundreds of years. When you made a deposit into the bank, it's the banks, and they basically give you an IOU. That's a very dangerous place to be in this time in history. OK, second pillar, tax free growth, all of your money in this bank.
It's grows tax free, OK, So, it's compounding year after year and the minimum historical averages about 4% can be much higher than that, but 4% is about what it is now compounding growth year after year.
And then here's another kicker I'll try to speed through it, but these are the seven pillars tax free growth.
Now, with these insurance contracts, there's, there's something called the death benefit that when you die, your beneficiaries, your heirs whomever you're leaving that to a charity, they receive the proceeds from the policy and the death benefit as well.
If that's not structured right, the, the government's going to take big, big swatches. For example, Suzy Orman, she's worth 40 million bucks. She's a big financial advisor in the States and she, you know, recommends certain financial products And, and, she's dead, wrong on certain things. one of them being how, she doesn't know how to solve the problem, of having her $100 million state cut in, half, when she dies. And it's very simple, you have that $100 million in your private bank and there are no estate taxes it transfers to your heirs completely free, because J, I don't want to spend my whole life, frankly. And rather, you know, and make $100 million, and have the government take 50 million of it, instead of going to the intended places, I want it to go.
That's just not acceptable. So, that's the second pillar, asset protection, tax free growth and tax free transfer to your heirs. Hashtag three: Financial privacy, there's no reporting to the IRS. That is the the IRS's laws and codes and that's because politicians and the people in Congress and the senators, they are the ones using these tools. So there's no reporting to the IRS on this, it grows tax free.
There's your, your tax advisor if they know this model Which we have our tax consultants that no dislike very well.
That's, that's how it's structured, OK. Next pillar is multiple touches. You've got a velocity of money. And this is where you can get into deeper drill downs with. The, How you create a banking system and you capture all of the money that you're sending out back into your own bank.
And that also involves something that I used with company structures and having a banking entity where the funds are basically utilized by your banking entity, just like a centralized bank does. By the way, they borrow money from the Federal Reserve and they make a delta and they re loan the money. And they also use funny math so that they can take a dollar and turn it into 10.
And lend on 10. They have a dollar in their hand and they can say, I've got 10 and lend out 10. And fractionalized lending is what that's called, and it's actually a recipe for disaster. And that's one of the reasons we're on, the place that we are, and another reason, that people need to protect their money, and in a private bank, next pillar, Jay, is on that pillar, on that pillar.
Because I know you want to get through those points, but give people a, little bit of an example of what that means to, when you say several touches on your money, give them an example that might even re might even kind of reflect a person who's in crypto.
So, maybe they have their money and IBC and all of a sudden, you know, Amazon Coin comes out sure, and they go. Well gee, I'm on my money's in IBC because I've been in a bear market, but I want to buy Amazon Coin, right?
So give people example of how that work and don't forget to leave out that while they take that money to go buy Amazon coins, they're still earning on it.
So just kinda if you would, so for people that have not been here before, can understand that concept.
Sure. And, and that is a more appropriate strategy when you're trying to capture all the dollars that come out of our hands.
Like, because when we write a check, generally as an expense or even as a consumptive thing, there is no return on that money.
But if your money flows through your banking entity, and your banking entity, loans, your businesses, money, or loans, your person individually money, and actually secures those transactions.
And has A loan repayment, Your bank always gets the money back.
And so what that looks like is, you, you're able to use the dollar to put in your bank, then you're able to take that dollar out of your bank, in a, in a loan.
OK. To your, another entity, an LLC, your trust, or whatever. And let's say that you've gotta trust set up to trade in cryptocurrency with one of our affiliates, Caleb and Brown or with whomever. Coinbase. It doesn't matter, and your bank loans, your, trust, the money to go invest in, cryptocurrency and you take that same dollar that you put into your bank, that then you loan to your trust now. Your trust has that dollar and then it go for it, Purchases, let's just say Ethereum J because there's some new things on the horizon with Ethereum that you've educated me on, I'm really excited about and that's the staking platform with Ethereum.
For number one, It's the second, is number two coin.
It has a lot of weight and their staking rewards are very attractive.
So that policy that you have as a private bank, with the loan, existing to your bank and then onto your trust, it goes and buys cryptocurrency with that.
And then, let's say that that a thorium corpus is spinning off 12%, OK?
Is that a safe number, or do you want to host theorem? It won't be that hard, but that's OK. We, just, for example, sake, there are other kryptos, that'll be that high, There are some now that are close to that house. That's OK, you can use that example.
Let's just say, six, say, 6% same, just we're just going to be, I think it's going to be about 78% on Ethereum OK, well, 8%. And so, a thorium is staking there at 8% per annum, and that that staking reward, it may be appreciating, or it may be depreciating. So you may get a double kicker in that your Ethereum that was $300, is now $3000 plus the percentage growth.
So, that percentage growth can be peeled off liquidated and made in loan repayments to your bank and why would you do that?
It's for the same idea that I just described, because all the money in your bank grows tax free. Its assets protected. It's not reported to the IRS, and you're getting that same, Donald, or you used multiple times. You paid a premium with it to start your bank, You pulled the policy loan dollars out, you loan that from your bank, to the trust, the trust bought it to buy crypto crypto, spun off dollars in ROI, which, then went back to the trust, and the trust repaid. Your bank, your bank is the one who's levered out your assets. The one who is keeping you asset protected, keeping you tax free, keeping you, unreported. that is in a nutshell, the velocity of money and getting multiple touches on the dollar, but, that is a, that's an advanced discussion.
Yeah, and so just just to kind of bring it down.
And drill in on that a minute, let me just make sure I'm getting it right, and that the people who are listening, They'll get it right.
So let's just, for example, say, say, I have available to me in my IBC and my bank my own personal bank through this contract.
I have 100,000 available to me.
So I e-mail, call, whatever it is you do into my bank.
And I say, Hey, I have something I want to purchase, please send me $100,000 The way I understand it, usually by the next day or so you've got 100,000 in your possession.
Now, that 100,000 wasn't a contract that was earning interest historically.
A low point of about 4%, and obviously, can be much higher, depending on interest rates, and so we know that advance could, if he, if he were here with this, now, another advance could, could tell us, oh, yes, I've seen times, I actually advances here with us. Hang on one second.
Let's just bring advance in right here and we'll continue going here.
OK, Vance, you're on the air.
You'll just need to unmute your, your microphone, and you can join us here. But anyway, so let's just say that the interest rate was 6%.
OK, so that contract was paying you 6% compound a tax free on the contract and now you're taking their money and you're gonna go over here and buy a theorem with it. And you're going to stake it, and you're gonna get the value of the theorem growth. You're gonna get the value of the thorium staking.
But you're still getting paid interest back over here at the contract, is that correct?
It's called non direct recognition Events. I'm assuming that these, having some technical difficulties, I think, Jay, joining the call, I don't know if he's unmuted, or not, he's here with us, but he's, he has not unmuted. Here's my God, I've got him unmuted on my end. But he's got to unmute on who's in. so, what you're describing J is called a non direct recognition policy.
And the way that the insurance company treats that as if you didn't pull the $100,000 out of your bank, and it continues to grow in your bank at 4%. Just like, it's it's compounding, you're also repaying an interest on that.
That is the velocity of money in a nutshell.
Vance has some really great content on this. I just, I don't know how to get him on.
Jay, any, any more than I've just, OK, I just wanted to try to drill in, on that point for a minute, carry on with your pillars, that this is fantastic, so, the next thing that I find, is, most people don't focus on, is the guaranteed growth of this, it's never going to go backwards. Whereas if you've got money in 401 K S and IRAs and government sponsored programs there, There are numerous red flags with those, and just to name a few, one, the government is in control of it, they're always going to get their taxes now or later, I would rather pay taxes on a smaller amount than a larger amount, so a seed rather than a harvest.
Many of our clients, we can demonstrate, that you can take the money out of government sponsored programs, put it into your private bank, and do far better.
Um, just based on the tax issues we're describing and the velocity of money. So, the next pillars, the guaranteed growth. You're never gonna go backwards. There's no risk. This is not subject to market risk, as other equity funds and commodities and other things are.
It's one of the tools that I think is crucial into for leverage into hard assets, whether it's precious metals, land, or other types of commodities.
That, that, that Hard assets, it's a, it's one of those things that needs to be, in your tool belt. ***, The sixth pillar is the guaranteed financing on anything you need to finance. So, how I describe the mortgage crisis, and, oh 7 oh 8, with a person standing there. I think we got, Vance. I just wanna make sure we got advance. Are you there?
Can you hear me? We can hear you, buddy, we can hear you. We welcome, welcome, welcome.
I said, Unless I've been listening in, guys, on everything, I've just had.
Yeah, no worries. No worries, It can be. It can be a time, sometimes, all this technical stuff on the internet. So let's, let's let Seth finish up here and then we'll bring you right on and OK.
All right, So, it's, there's no risk, there's no market risk and in this and there are competing voices out there that you know that talk about.
You know, different investment strategies and I've mentioned one of those people talking heads, Suzy Orman, another's Dave Ramsey, and we've got some articles that discuss this particular pillar. And why private banking strategies is far superior to any of these other so-called experts advice. And we'd go head to head with them in a, in a debate. If we could do is they would schedule it. But you know, they won't. Because they're wrong, so that, that's a huge huge pillar. And it, actually, when we spoke J, I recall that that was the primary motivation, that you had guaranteed growth, never going backwards.
And it's just a rock solid Conservatives, asset protected place for cash.
So, Lily, was that the last one?
There's two more. There's the guaranteed financing on anything that you finance and the legacy value. But, we mean, it takes a little bit longer to drill down, that gives people the background of the seven pillars and just an intro on it, But there's, there's a lot more to, to understand for sure.
Well, that's, let's thank you, said, that's, that's perfect. And we're gonna, we're gonna, from there, we're gonna get into, actually why we call this meeting. But let's bring Vance in. And Seth, if you don't mind, because I don't have every one advances, accolades, kinda memoirist. I think, the last time we had him on, I was sitting here trying to go down the list, it's so long.
But can you just kind of introduced Vance a little bit and give these guys an idea of who they are, who they're hearing from here?
Sure, yeah, well, vance's, uh, 40 year, Money Manager and Wealth Advisor, he migrated out of traditional wealth management services into private banking, when he, like, I discovered, you know, the power of this, and I'll let him kinda introduce his story.
As to how he got involved with it and why you should listen to them. So, Vance, if you can hear us, go ahead and pick, pick up the mic.
Yeah, I can. I'm, I'm here.
So, guys, thank you so much for your patience.
Waiting for me to come on, I'm a little bit challenged on this but let me talk a little bit about the infinite banking concept and why I've dedicated myself to the urgency of helping people discover it for themselves.
There's a strategy here and an opportunity here where people can literally, own and control their own, what we call mini economy or small.
banking program, But I discovered it back in about 13 years ago now, Became very, very angry because I just didn't want to be the biggest or firm, we just wanted to be the best at what we did.
So we would take every effort in every opportunity to find and study all about money management Models, profile's trying to keep things.
Our Number one goal was safety.
Our number two goal was growth and lowering taxes.
I read Nelson nash's book, and discovered that everything we were doing, everything I was doing, was wrong, not only wrong, but literally controlled.
By government, the SEC, FINRA, and which all ties back into the banking world, This system, which was a little disheartening, was something that Americans used to practice before banking.
Branch banking became popular and took over our education system.
So the rest, as you can read in the book, you can read about the story.
But, right now, um, and Jay, I think he really hammer's this down.
Our world is changing every day, now, right before our eyes, it's in hyper mode. It's going extremely fast.
There could be things happening out there, almost on a, on a daily, weekly basis, that aren't going to be in our best interest.
As Seth and Jane described before, the infinite banking concept will help you control your own personal assets.
Because right now the governments, the banking industry don't have any, what we call radars on that load.
They don't have any teeth or connections on how to to monitor that or get in there once you're in your own banking system using these type of contracts.
It disappears. It's gone.
It's literally yours.
And if you can set up a system so that you can rotate it over and over and over again, you can buy things and get a dollar's worth every single time it comes around and goes around.
Um, Seth, Jay, I think we both agree that most of the time, whether it's money coming from crypto or personal earnings, a lot of us are affected today. Because of the ... virus.
Half of us may not even be employed. Now wondering, what in the heck are we going to do hope that the crypto comes through?
If it does, if we can land it in our system, in our many economy, we can use it more than once. Otherwise, it goes back to the banks, every time we spend a dollar.
If there's not a system.
If there's not a way to do that, the banks always get the money back. Always.
suites designs where our system as run, banks always get it back.
So, we want to be able to set the system up.
But I think what we want to do, you'll know, kinda give us the outline, but like to get into what it's gonna take to get ready.
Not just actually put the money in, but when the windfalls come or whatever else, what can we do? What can we have?
Just waiting for us to start dumping money into our private banking system?
Yeah, so let me, let me get into that. So, guys, now we're gonna get to the meat of this meeting, and for those of you that just sat through that, probably a second, Tom, thank you for your patience.
There are people here that don't have the luxury of having read the book. They don't have the luxury of having heard from Seth and dance a couple of times already. So thank you for your patience, But. So why, why the meeting today? Here's the here's why, the meeting today.
So, right away, guys.
When I started looking at IBC, I'm looking for ways.
As you guys know, when I pull ultimate profits out of crypto, I want abilities to put that money on the sideline, Not have baled in on.
Not have it taxed.
Yet, it still continues to grow. and I have access to my money.
And if I did want to borrow to buy something, I can borrow it from myself and be my own bank and still my money grows.
So this fit the bill, However, Will use me in this as an example, maybe the very first bank that I want to, to create of any scale, is it is, maybe it's a $10 million bank, OK, You can't just roll straight into a $10 million bank, there's going to be a whole lot of hoops to jump through.
So what Vance and Seth have already been helping, a number of you guys to do.
And this is available to everyone here, is they've been helping people say, OK, this guy will be, here's always made $300,000 a year, but he took his life savings and put it in crypto and he's now going to be worth 20 million in just a few short months.
How does he take a portion of that money and put it in IBC and create his own bank, create that death benefit? all the things that that Seth outlined in the pillars and there's a lot more, OK?
How does he do that?
Well, the easiest way to do that is exactly what Vance said.
And that is to prepare yourself now to where you can roll straight into the bank.
And here's what I mean by that.
When you get ready to, to launch one of these contracts, you're going to have to provide a financial statement.
And today, that financial statement, if you're going into, let's say, a term policy is a whole heck of a lot lighter, it's a lot less strenuous.
Then if you're down the road going, hey, I just want to crank right into a whole life policy.
And so what they've been able to help people do is take out a term policy and get the banking process started from the perspective of, hey, when my crypto earnings come in.
Now, I can just convert this policy, and I don't have to go through all of those hoops all the different hoops it would take to get the big policy.
You've already got it started.
And one of the things that we didn't mention is that in and I think it's important to mention is that these policies don't have to be on you. You can take out a policy on your 18 year old grandson.
You still own the contract, at your contract, at your bank, all of the above, but you guys will have to have the ability to use it the same way. Can it be on you, yes, it can be on you. Can it be on your spouse? Yes, it can be on your spouse. Can be on your child? Yes. Could it be on your business partner, Yes. It can be on your business partner.
And you still own the policy, when a bank hires a big wig executive, after they've proven they're going to be there a while. The bank takes out a policy just like this, on the banking professional.
And they say, Look, down the road, we're going to pay you out a big lump sum money through your retirement, but then they just sit on the policy and wait for Joe blow to to pass. And they collect every dollar they've ever paid him through the policy.
So even, the banks are using this banking concept.
So anyway, getting back to what I was saying.
What we're realizing is this, With coven, everything is changing.
Guys, code is just kitten current. You've heard me talk about it and you just let the let the clock tick by.
And you're going to see what I'm talking about, and the wealthiest people on the planet are preparing for it already.
So, covitz changing everything, will it change these contracts? Nobody knows.
Nobody knows, is it possible? Yes, it's possible.
And if that were the case, would you be happy you already had a term policy? Yes, you would, because now you're not trying to qualify under some new qualification.
I know that the advance will probably tell you a story of one of his current clients who's just basically brought onto the concept. has just recently gotten this whole brand new questionnaire from the insurance company of all these questions all about covert.
So again, this meeting is about preparing those that want to take advantage of this when your ship comes into port, or maybe when you meet the ship for swimming out to it.
And that comes in.
You're already prepared, so let me let me give it to you in an example. Then I'll shut up and let Vance and the professionals talk. I'm gonna give it to you an example.
Let's say you had XYZ coming in in crypto.
You can kind of see the writing on the wall and you say, I want to put 5% of that in my own bank and get my own bank started.
Then the next go around, I'm going to put 5% more in and maybe have a second bank of your own.
You can have as many as you want. When Nelson Nash passed, I think he had 80 or 90 banks going.
So you can have as many of these as you want. I'm pretty confident he passed along as a billionaire, probably due to the bank and concepts, so anyway let's say that's your goal.
Well, today, you could set that up today under every bit of the fine print that's in place right now.
But you know what, If the, if you, if your ship comes in eight months from now and you're ready to get started, I'm not sitting here telling you that this farm print is still going to be the same.
Because as we've already noted, the world is changing in a big way in every direction.
And a lot of it has to do with banking, right, so to think that's not gonna rollover into the insurance industry or maybe some of these 200 year old contracts.
I think is a bit naive on our part. Is it possible that it doesn't change?
It is possible But again, you know me as a trader, my, I live my whole life and possibilities and probabilities so I'm looking at this and going OK, how can I prepare right now?
Well, Jay, the way you can prepare right now Is if you know you want to have a $2 million bank. That's your first bank.
You need a $2 million term policy that you pay on, save for the next 6, 8 months, until you're ready to convert it into whole life, and then you bring your ship that came in, and you bring your two million, and you start your bank, and you convert it.
And it's done.
And you don't. You don't have to wonder when you get to that point. Has everything changed?
So, a little bit of sense of urgency is what I'm feeling, And I just wanted to bring these guys on.
In fact, I actually, I guess for about three weeks, I told Seth Seth, you gotta, you gotta get me in your calendar. We gotta tell all the people about how they can prepare for this.
Because there's gonna be some that want to, There's going to be some that want to, that can't.
There's gonna be some that say, I absolutely need to do this right now, and that's OK, because you're feeling the same sense of urgency that I feel.
And so, I'm gonna let these guys explain this to you a little bit and kind of shut my mouth because they are the professionals, but I just felt there was a real sense of urgency with everything changing in the world, and not only that.
But I know a lot of people too that have have taken advantage of the RBC concept already.
And they've got their term policy. They're ready to convert it to a whole life, the moment things happen with crypto. And, you know what, they told me?
They said, You know, I didn't even have insurance, and now with Cozad, I've actually got a death benefit from our family, like, they actually felt a good sense of security just from that part, too, So, anyway, I've found it to be very important, You know, me, I'm always trying to prepare, prepare, prepare, and then hope for the best. But I'm going to let these guys share with you, Seth or Vance. Either one, you guys, feel free to take that away.
Chat, do you want to start, or you want me to.
Why don't you go ahead, Vance, as he Seth has got his Mike. You muted. So maybe he's in the midst of something else there. So go ahead and get cranking comes there. There we go.
Yeah, yeah. Go ahead, Vance, or, I mean, I can just want to give a little bit of Color, 30, NaN. one of the reasons that we started talking about this. Jay was we addressed it rather shortly, earlier this year about the windfall strategy is what we called it.
And for those who have holdings in crypto that are going to be appreciating to all-time highs and they're going to liquidate portions of that, and bank that into hard assets, including the private bank.
Well, some folks in our group and The Patria Group sold into certain coins, They, they've, they followed some trade calls that you had and had some real legitimate gains, and they want to put those funds into the banking world, into your private bank.
Well, if you have $200,000 tax returns and now you have $2 million in crypto, the financial underwriting is more stringent. They're asking, where did the two million come from? They're not gonna assign that type of life value to you and give you that much insurance.
Whereas term insurance is generally just profit in an insurance company's pocket because they have you do a very cursory financial underwriting, a very cursory medical underwriting, make sure you're healthy and statistically speaking, In the next 10 years, is what is what term is ensuring for your death in the next 10 years? They're they're already know. It's very statistically improbable, and they're not going to pay out on that statistically speaking.
And so, it's just pure profit for them. Not all term contracts are the type of contracts that Vance and our structure where you can actually convert them into whole and turn them into a private bank. Many term contracts won't. If you go to your state farm agent or you have a term contract, that's not what we're talking about. This is a Ferrari, not a Pinto, and it has to be structured properly. So that gives a little bit of context for it, and I'll just hand off to advance now, and let him continue to fill in the details before before you take that bounce.
Let me, let me take a crayon to what Seth just said.
For, for NaN, Seth said, If you have tax returns of 200,000, and you've just liquidated two million in crypto, you're now trying to prove that let me make that even harder for you folks: What if you liquidated the two million into stable coin?
Because right now, you're not 100% sure you want that money in a bank.
Now, again, you're trying to prove to these companies, oh, but I have this encrypted when they go. What's a wallet where we don't understand that, that doesn't work? Can you show it to it at Wells Fargo?
And so, I'm just telling you that.
When I, when I asked sat, Seth, and advanced to come on, I really sense that there are some real problems that this can solve, and that's why I wanted to become share with you. I don't care what you do.
I'm here to help, Seth is here to help.
So, as vans. So carry on, Vance, let me just to just 1 1 more thing real quickly. Yeah. Sorry.
if you go get a million dollars and in life insurance for term, and you, you pay that, that premium and then you want to convert it.
That is the ease of this. You're not going through the depth of that financial underwriting, that if you tried to get that $2 million in our example, in the beginning, you won't be able to do it. They won't qualify you for that much. They won't issue the policies. They won't offer you the contracts. But if you go take the term policies out with various companies, advance, will explain this in greater detail and convert each of those.
You can still get the same size of your bank that you were trying to get without the financial underwriting. Without the medical underwriting, It's like an option.
We've talked about J into security, you're locking that option in, and there's an option strike price that you've already set and then it's just a matter of converting it as you choose.
So, go ahead, Vance.
OK, Seth gave an example of a Ferrari and a Pinto.
In many, many cases, if we have a term contract that is convertible, we can take a Pinto contract and turn it into a Ferrari because Companies will buy other companies term contracts without underwriting.
So, that's just a little caveat that we know about not even people in the profession really understand that we do.
But the best scenario is, and here's the biggest kicker that we've got, since things are changing for, for folks who, maybe, are having to change careers or their incomes, not going to be the same.
We qualify, right now, today and through the remainder of this year, for last year's income, not this year's income.
So, whatever our financial statements shed for last year, we can qualify in underwriting this year because that's what they're interested then. That's what they want us to report, really care about what's, what's current with the exception.
And I'm not real sure, because I think Jay just pointed out I had a client just this week get a Corvette Questionnaire Call from one of the companies.
And kinda surprised about that that they're, the racking so fast, however, there are no covert questions, all the applications, at least, not yet.
So, the other thing about the term, oh.
It's something that we have to be able to have a little force side on.
It has to be something that we're planning and preparing for. And I think JJ and Chef just hit it on the head. It's an option.
It gives you a chance to go in and participate, because you have an option on, on the play.
If we take the term contract, we're talking pennies on the dollar, if we can.
No, the companies probably won't sneeze all the way up to, you know, for one to $5 million of death benefit on a term contract.
If we submit simultaneously to several different insurance companies, information and knowledge is power, We need to know what the insurance companies are going to offer in each of our situations.
Here I am today. I have no idea where I am and what I can qualify, but I think I'm going to hit it big and crypto.
And I want to start putting some money in my banking.
How to get the money in your banking is not as critical as knowing how much you could possibly convert and get yourself set up for.
The systems, and the strategies of getting that money over in the bank, is going to take a little bit of time, a little bit of strategy.
But once you have the contracts, you're done.
But by done, I mean, let's say, hey, I'm going to start converting, and I know I'm going to convert a full million dollars. Can I immediately put $1 million dollars into one contract? No.
We want a system. We have to have a system to keep the IRS out of our lives.
If we dump it all is what's called a modified endowment.
You guys can remember this or not, but it lets the IRS in an everything is taxable.
If it systematically gets put in.
If I want to get a million dollars in my bank, I've got to put that in over time, over a maximum amount, say split it in 25%, we can only get 25% in per time.
What's the strategy?
So, all those things, we might be able to, well, that's already shut up, The insurance companies already have a way to put a million dollars with them, right now.
Shall we, cash, and we want to get the $4 million in Massmutual, one of the other companies. Lafayette, any any of the companies out there will say, OK, you had a million dollars, We're going to put $250,000.
convert that straight into one of these contracts.
That will allow $250,000 to go in per year.
We have an open kronick track on the other, 750, that's accessible to you.
But if it remains here, once a year, we'll put $250,000 and increase the size of your bank each year until that spent or until you spend it or until a 10 year period or term arises, and then you have to liquidate it, it does pay interest.
So that it's, it's actually better than putting savings in a bank because it's much more safe.
But there's all kinds of ways to be able to make whatever account we want.
If we get all three companies, let's say, we apply for three companies that only apply for $2 million each, and if they all come in, one of the law can then say, yeah, you get a preferred select the other way says you gotta select the other ones.
That's what I'm going to give dance advance.
Let me interject for a moment, because you're talking perhaps over some people's heads with some details and what Vance's describing to our audience is creating a larger bank.
Then, you really should be able to create with your financial wherewithal.
You're able to swing a much bigger bhat, protect more of your assets, create A larger banking system.
It's all tax free and compounding with what he's describing, OK?
That is the point, and it's with less underwriting, less medical detail on you and it's a strategy that fits really, really well.
So, our audience in crypto.
It really does, guys.
If we can get information from the insurance companies on the underwriting, then you can decide what you want to do up to those amounts.
Anything smaller or whatever else.
The key here, and the urgency is, underwriting takes on an, on the average six weeks if everyone is super fast and submitting the information, getting the pyramid exams done, or whatever. Again, you don't have to have it on your lives, but timing still important.
If we put it on someone else's life, they're not gonna say, oh, well, you know, the paramedics and you know guys called me.
I'll do the exam 2 or 3 weeks later, That's going to drag it all out.
So underwriting takes, let's talk about timeframe here a little bit, just on this term idea.
Once the app is actually submitted to the insurance company, that's when the clock starts up.
To that point, It's just free time trying to get going.
But what's the apps? then?
We figure about six weeks.
If there's a delay, if the insurance companies want what's called attending physician statements, APS is from doctors.
They will send for those.
It's important that we call the doctor and say, hey, you get on this. I'm in the middle of trying to get qualified here and I don't want to sit at all on it for two months.
I just had one company come back and say, Oh, they're not going to release medical information except once a month, and so we're not going to release your information until the 15th of October.
And it only took a call from the client, said, yes, you are, or you're going to ensure rain for the life insurance amount, because that's why medical information and they did they immediately sell it all, OK.
so that's this clock ticking, and we have several companies that we're out looking for.
We, we pick a number that we think we can get through right now based on what you can qualify for.
1, 2, 3 million? Maybe up to $5 billion.
And even if we get one company, great, but if all three companies say, Yeah, we're going to qualify, you will write it.
Now you can decide, you'll get, you'll get the information on what the annual premiums are.
Again, there very inexpensive but they that there is a little bit of cost tool, that's about no one tells or less of what we can dump in one word.
We're doing banking because we're buying in Banking, and we're creating a lot of cash that we can use.
So, these are options.
We want those options to cost the smallest amount possible.
So, we want to go with deep, the best ratings, and that'll give you power.
That'll give you choices on what you can do.
No, and then it's education time.
It's a little more learning, we can, we can do a lot of structure, a lot of teaching, Getting you set up liability wise that doesn't cost virtually anything at all, waiting for Those windfalls to come in.
And then when they hit, it goes like this call to our office.
So, how much do I have to convert, to put a total of action, Or, you know, I can easily now to 100,000, or $500,000 a year into my banking, how much do I have to convert?
We find that figure out.
We tell you what that number is, OK, How do we do it?
Sign this piece of paper here, Send in the check, when you're done, it's done, there's no question. So how did you get this money?
We're going to get allergy qualify for it.
There's none of that, whatsoever.
So, a little bit of forethought here, L L A little bit of planning on our end, now.
It's going to save us a lot of questions.
I envision if code that gets out of hand, or if another wave of law viruses hitless in some fashion.
Then these term conversions will actually I think stop. They'll just put them on hold.
They will issue they Until life insurance companies can do there Analytical Evaluations because they have to know how many people are going to die out of a thousand every year and they're dead accurate the right shape that They're right on they they never miss.
I've been doing it for over 100 years and they know how to do this.
Pandemics, medical issues dwarves things like that change those numbers and they They get really conservative and they'll pull back.
So that's kind of the example, the real thrust of what we want to try to tell people, I hope I've explained that right for you.
I really have passion.
And Jay, I can't thank you enough for, for health leading Show with the people.
Some of you who are on right now and whatever of Js.
Just such a joy to see the lights.
Come on, guys, go Wow, Put money in the accounts, and then they'd just go nuts over those bars, can I put more, can I do this? Can we do that? How about my son's, how about like daughters, you know, they, all, these people get this money in here. I see how it works now, it's great.
So that's the payday. That's the payoff for us.
So I hope, um, Chefs, you know, if you want to analyze that a little bit better or break that down a little bit more form, that might be helpful.
Sure, sure, I mean, I would just add that's the motivation.
I mean, where we're Patriots were constitutionalists where, um, no pro people and we want people to keep what they make and help them protect their assets and grow their family wealth.
Like the same fundamental reasons that that our country was founded for J the same freedoms that you enjoy and and pursue and, and educate on that. That's what we're about as well and private banking strategies is just another tool in the tool belt to accomplish those things.
Jeff, let me ask you this.
You and I have built the fairly solid friendship over this last couple of years.
And I view you as a guy who, coming from, coming from a career of being in and out of a courtroom over, you know, any of a thousand different scenarios, you're very emphatic with me, and I like it.
I like it. I don't, I'm still going to choose for myself.
I'm still going to be a free thinker, but you don't sugarcoat it with me and I love that.
And if I were to take a comparison, you could look at a website and a website's selling a product, let's say.
And one website will say learn more And another website will say Bye now and I and you're the guy that to me, is the emphatic gagged going by now by now, right?
Because you actually really believe you have something that will help people, the people putting the words learn more on their website are basically using a more passive word, and it almost represents. I'm not really sure I can help you.
I'm not 100% sure what, I have is really for you, That's what learn more says to me.
But when they say buy now, they're saying: Hey, We've got the deal.
And so for me when I when I came to kind of bring this product to the to the marketplace of our patrons And Now you know we'll be working with a couple other groups as well, because it's so helpful, but when I did that how was that emphatic going, this is the buy now product?
Right for me, this was the buy now product, and for those of you that weren't here, when I talked about this, I'm looking at when you take profits out of crypto, when you've had a huge expansion in your portfolio, I am a big believer that you don't give that money back to the market.
You can rebuild your portfolio with a portion of your winnings and go again the next time, rather than saying, oh gosh, I just made 20 million, I can live on a million dollars for three years.
I'm put 19 million back in baby and I'm going to 100 million, OK. That's the guy who's gonna give all his money back to the market.
So when I brought this, you know, Seth advanced to you guys.
What my thoughts were is we're going to be able to take that block of money, We take all out of crypto and spread it around a little bit into some different things that our money can still earn a little bit. Because if you haven't looked around, guys, there's not a whole lot of places right now to be earning money.
There's a, there's a few people that probably have a great scenario going, where they're doing OK with their rental properties.
But let's see how it plays out.
by the end of the day, If the government keeps making laws that say you can live there, payment free, and the guy who owns the property still has to make the payment, OK? Let's just see how that plays out.
But my point in talking about that and bringing that topic up, is there is a point here where all of a sudden you look around and there's not as many places to put money.
And in my boot camp, I talked about this. I said everything in the world is changing and this is before code it.
And I said our abilities to invest our winnings in crypto, to where they gained some value over our life to beat off inflation.
It's changing and we're going to have to do everything different.
So, this is kind of a long lead in, from a guy who's been very frank with me in the process.
What I would like for ...
to do, is just, really open yourself up for a minute, Seth, and I know that you're, you're tender with people in particular, but kinda treat these guys a little bit like you do me. and just let them know really how what a sense of urgency you think there is here.
From the perspective of being prepared. Because that's when Seth is emphatic with me, and there's been multiple topics that have nothing to do with RBC.
And when he's emphatic with me, I'm always respectful to listen. I'm still gonna make my own decision.
I'm a free thinker, but I appreciate that he doesn't sugarcoat it.
And when he says to me, man, you need to be prepared for this. Like, if this happened, you gotta be prepared today.
And so I'm OK Seth if you want to just take a minute and tell people, like if you were advising your brother right now and he's in crypto and you see kind of the things may be coming down the pipe, what would you tell your brother like? Would you just say to him straight out, Dude?
I know your windfall hasn't come in but you need to get this policy of this caliber going so you have the ability to convert.
Yeah, absolutely. And it ties back to the very preliminary comments I had on the call J.
This will give you a perfect example of why and the motivations behind my personal ambition with this. I have a good friend I've grown up with. Known him since I was probably 10. He barely graduated high school. He cared nothing about school.
He went to college, and found nursing to be fascinating. So he became a nurse in the ER room, found that even more fascinating and found the doctors and the surgeons that were putting people back together somewhat.
Beatable are, and I wouldn't say, and competent, but that he could do better.
So he went to medical school, graduated first in his class, and as one of the best trauma surgeons in Texas, he was, in a very high liability profession, with no protection whatsoever, cutting $5.5 million tax checks to the us.
He said, He wouldn't sleep for weeks for weeks and he had no idea how to stop that hemorrhaging. Can you imagine? I mean, that's a lot of money to me. It means a lot of money to most people. That for two right. That in taxes, let alone what you're making.
So, obviously, I do love him like a brother and I tell him, just like, I tell, tell you, you want to protect your assets. You want to stop cutting those tax checks, get your money into a private bank, OK. That's his specific pain point for him. But in our culture generally, right now, there's a grab For control. There's a grant for control of information, a graph for control of your spending habits, your buying habits, your financial transactions, Every place you step is trying to be monitored and controlled.
This is away, it's one tool to get out of that control financially and to have the full financial freedom that our country was founded upon.
So, yes, I absolutely am emphatic about it. I'm polarizing it at times and you may find the black and white delivery offensive, and that's, that's OK.
But for the people that I'm speaking to, that, that resonate with what I'm saying, they get it and that is, you know, the way I communicate.
I'm not going to make any apologies because I'm not wrong and I've spent 30 years helping people protect their assets and build their wealth. Vance had a totally different paradigm about IBC and private banking strategies. He did he, he totally is on the the business side, the velocity of money operating this.
He's got a black belt and how to work this, I have a 360 slam dunked, like Michael Jordan, over your face with asset protection, and I B, C, and no one can guard me.
So, that's kind of, you know, lay it out, Jay.
That's perfect, man, Thank you.
Well, do you guys have any, any closing comments that you'd like to make to the folks? And maybe let them know how to get in touch with you guys.
I wanted Seth to come on, In fact, the kinda hounded him, He'll tell you, I kinda hounded him for the last couple of weeks ago and we gotta get your arm.
We gotta get you on because for me guys, know, yesterday, I left and I went, ah.
I took the biggest vehicle I own, and I went to Costco for the second time in two weeks and I loaded it.
Full Of all the all the essentials and food and all the different things, you know, why?
Because I don't see any downside to being prepared. And one thing about it, I've enjoyed.
I, personally have enjoyed not having to leave my house and go put a stupid mask on and go into public where it says, on the door, you can't come in here without a mask, I've enjoyed not having to do that.
So there's actually been no downside, demar preparation in any way, but my contacts are telling me that this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
My contacts are telling me there's going to be add on's, use your imagination.
Maybe we call it mutations but it's actually add on's I don't know if you've looked up in the sky lately, but the skies are being sprayed about 10 times more than you've seen in the last several years.
So call a conspiratorial if you want to. I don't care.
What I do know is that even long before the word covert was in everybody's mind, I'm wearing a mask, I was telling you, guys, people are sicker, there's a trend, I see the trend developing, and I also noticed that Seth and Vance have the ability to prepare us today, for the possibility of, tomorrow. And I see no downside to it. Absolutely. zero downside.
Seth Vance, thank you for comments.
Feel free to give these guys you're closing statements, and then we'll, we'll, we'll let everybody go. I might hang around a minute if some folks have a couple of questions. Sure, we'd be glad to answer some questions. J: But I know and then I'll let Vance close us or we can pop those questions back and forth popcorn. I'll stay on as long as people want to ask questions and, and not to sound prideful. But normally people pay 500 bucks an hour to hear me talk.
So, you've got a free, you know, ability to question. Right now, I'm not certain I can answer everybody's question in the depth they'd like, but that's available to you.
Here's a question that just came in here on the example of paying one million dollars upfront, and the insurance company releasing 250,000 quarterly.
Are we earning interest on the one million dollars?
That was pretty straightforward. The answer was, yes.
Any other questions, guys, let me look here.
Let's see.
Thank you for the gentle nudge. My initial meeting with Vance was fantastic.
It's time for the next step. Yes, Vance has a great passion for us here that's from Rich.
How does this work with Canadians? We'll go to that one in a second.
If you're on SSI and disability from the city, Can you be disqualified?
I'll take that again.
Yes, probably, there might be a chance that you can get a contract on your lives, but this is where the strategy kicks in and we use someone else.
The key here is control and ownership.
You own that contract, you're the beneficiary, you control 100% of all the money.
The only difference is somebody else's life is being inferred.
It's the same concept as Wells Fargo taking out a life insurance policy on its branch manager and its tellers. And everybody else they keep paying those premiums. That person moves onto another job happens to die. Wells Fargo gets a big pop and death benefit. They have they have the insurable interest on their employee, J into our audience, but they own the policy. They can control the money in, and out of that, they use that those cash value proceeds as they wish.
And that person that has the life insurance contract on their life doesn't even know anymore, because they're on down the road. So, once that contract is issued, on an insurable interest can be a business partner.
Can be a wife, a child, a relative, then that you just continue to use that policy as a as a banking policy. And there's no other issues for the person that's unsure.
Let me give you some more example.
Right here, with this group, but insurable interest, each one of you listening.
two J podcasts. Do you have an insurable interest in J?
What would happen to him right now was steering this ship with crypto.
Of course, you have to get permission to have a church, but on so on.
Reverse works as well.
Jay, has an insurable interest in each of you, because you're no paid no subscription members, along with me, so that there's an interest there. And that's what insurance companies look for. And create those insurable interest.
It's not very difficult at all.
Still that's God's if he's using a term you're not used to what he's saying is if you have an insurable interest on somebody, you can, with their permission, you can go through the steps in the process, too, to go ahead and, you know, take out a policy on someone So it could be it could be your granddaughter, it could be your grandson. It could be your business partner. As he said, it could be me if you have my permission, which you don't, but it could be me, it could be, it could be anybody your business with, I mean there's all kinds of scenarios there.
And here's, here's where legacy value comes in.
I just mentioned that pillar the seven Pillars of private banking strategies: legacy value, is a great way to create family generational wealth.
And this is a perfect example, because your death benefit has no estate tax event.
Your beneficiaries obtain it, and the way that vance's describing ensuring, let's say, a child or a granddaughter that creates the ability for that grant that child, or granddaughter to continue to operate. Your family banking entity.
For example, one of our associates to advance knows Rural Well has started infinite banking concept and became the basically a financier of other parties through his own bank.
And then his daughters took over the family banking entity, and I think that it's into the tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars in their family banking entity, of which they generally just lend to third parties, they become a financial lender.
And so, and their legacy value is, was created through multi-generational contracts. So a contract on the Grandchild's Live, for example, will still be in existence when the grandfather passes. And then the mother or the father, who's operating the bank, or will continue to monitor that contract. And, when they pass, the grandchild's contract will still be in effect, and someone will manage that contract.
And the bank is growing compounding.
4% minimum annualized return all that time.
So the compounding nature of growth in a multi-generational structure is mind boggling.
Seth, let me say something on on the compounding, but we are pretty much programmed into chasing the interest rates that are out there.
Banks do not make money off of those interests. Those that they do, and they don't, but it's mainly a competitive thing.
Number one, to keep the client off track on how they make money.
Number two, is by lending money and switching to a volume ready to return.
There's a beautiful example In my little book, I think most of y'all have already downloaded it and that's the the air conditioning example, the credit card.
It's not interest rates.
Every time I asked the question, Hey, if you have put $10000 on a credit card, the credit cards costing you 25% interest and you can come up the most. You can come up with a $500 monthly payment.
I would buy that debt in a heartbeat.
When I asked the question, why people always say, Well, you're going to get to 25%.
And they're kind of shocked when I say, Well, yes, I'm going to get that, but that is the least reason that I want to buy your debt.
The reason I want to buy your dad is the volume return.
Gosh, that's the secret, how much am I going to get paid over that First year? It's $500 a month.
Times 12, such thousand only have 10000 at work.
The return, divided by money at work, is the volume of return.
You guys leave the single and small, double digit volume, No, because, you know, that example, right? There's a 60% volume of return.
Which means, guys, when I lend that money out, I'm gonna have $6000 back, and what can I do with that money, and I still have my $10000 working, Got to produce another 6000, I can take that set by more death.
What Seth just said, this was my guru that literally taught me the infinite banking strategy.
It doesn't take very long for him.
He's probably going to just 28 quarter, ninth year of practice there in the almost.
I believe the family is worth 100 million, and it started as a almost broke farmers agent 20 years ago.
And for those that are out there.
So rather, sorry for those.
Those people here that are not maybe tracking 100% of what you're saying, because they haven't really put their imagination to use and maybe they're even new here.
Folks, when you have this banking strategy, you can now become the bank to every member of your family.
You can become the bank to all of your best friends, when they want to buy a car, they use your bank, they want to buy a house, they use your bank.
They actually borrow the money from you, you're making interest on the money that you lent out, Plus you're making interest on the payments coming back in.
You obviously don't do a scenario like that, unless the math works, right? So you want to make the math work. But what, Seth, what Vance is talking about here that some of you may not have ever heard, is when you have this banking structure, you now can become the bank to the whole neighborhood. If you want to, it's up to you.
I just wanna make sure you're catching that, Carrie armbands.
I just really in closing, because I don't know, there's so many topics here will be on, but right now, it's just the urgency.
13 years ago, when I discovered this thing, I've always, um, like Jay and and South, and many other great people.
I want to put my money, where my mouth is.
I run five companies about down to four, because I just sold a big commercial real estate building, an app actually close this week, so that headaches out of my life, and I'll dissolve one company, but all five, or are 100% wrong on the infinite banking strategy.
one other thing I believe in as being prepared than you're hearing me right now, I am, ouch, in my cabin, in the middle of nowhere.
It's 30 miles away from anything.
Any power supply or anything else, it's a completely off the grid. By the way, by the way, you guys, the Vance, who's almost 70 built with his own hands and I've been there, and it's solid windmill water. It's, we're harvesting, deer and pig. It's like, it's for real. That's really cool.
So, I just love people.
I love the challenge of helping people become independent. If I inheres past, if I had a client worrying about retirement, you know, like not have enough money to retire once. We saw that realization.
That's what's important.
I love what I do. You guys probably can tell that a little bit, but this, you always, when there's no risk, unless you're still from yourself.
You always win.
So I kept like a planner than that. Let's talk a couple more questions here. And there's there's about 7 or 8 already that we can we can pull together and one question, which we'll do in just a minute. But this person says, if you borrow 100,000 from IBC to purchase crypto and it goes to one million, how much is tax free?
But that's, you know, that's a question that supersedes just private banking strategies and it's it's really beyond our discussion and it is subject to much debate.
The IRS will assert that you know when you liquidate kryptos into Fiat, that's a taxable event.
So, this money into your private banking strategy is after tax money, and the after tax money that's put in then grows tax free compounding year after year without any taxable event when you take it out or put it back in.
And that is contrasted with the like a retirement program.
You can't take the money out first of all, without paying income tax and a penalty before 59.5, with the 401 K.
And so, this is not that that is.
The big difference is that you can take the money in and out and in and out, and there's no taxable event. But you can't just go make money anywhere and say. Because I put it in ABC That's not taxable. It's after tax dollars into the policy, then grows tax free forever.
Guys, picture a circle, a closed circle that only you control all earned money outside the circle is taxable.
Once it gets inside the circle, what's just the ABC circle?
You can move it around all over the place, or not have tax if you take money and buy assets outside the circle.
The gain on that sort.
The things on the outside of the circle technically are taxable. Are there strategies?
You know, mitigate those taxes? Are there things that we can do outside the circle to, you know, to get it into the circle?
You bet there are, um, but it needs to be legal, and it needs to be in such a way that you haven't triggered an outside activity event where government or the IRS has got to be looking for you. Let's give this guy an example that asked this question answered, You correct me if I'm wrong, Vance, you correct me if I'm wrong.
He borrows 100, 100,000 for himself. He puts it in crypto.
It grows to a certain level. I know that's a much deeper discussion of how to get the whole million back end, but I know you guys have strategies to do that, but let's just talk about it from a simplistic perspective. He can charge himself any amount of interest he wants to as he repays as loan, can he not?
Correct, Yes.
So there's a way for him to start putting that money back into the policy to then take again later. And now he's paid no tax on him because he rolled it back into his circle with one of the strategies you guys have.
And then he takes it to go buy the house. Then he takes it to go buy the car. Whatever it is he's looking to do. Let's move on here because there are a lot of questions. Let's let's encompass a lot of questions in one real quick. So this person says.
I pay 22 bucks a month for term life insurance, or, excuse me, $222 a month for term life insurance.
I would like to put this to work through this, through this system, to get ready.
I don't have a lot of free money right now, but I would be willing to cancel this policy with sunlight and move it to someplace they have.
Sorry. Just not sure how to word it OK. So this goes in line with a lot of questions people are asking, which is, how do I start? What's the minimum, blah, blah, blah.
Seth Mance tell these guys how to get in touch with you, or they can have that first phone call. I think, Vance, you're the one that does, most of that, are you not?
Right. Guys, this is really, really simple. Just make a call, we'll just have a little discovery call. We'll find out exactly what you've got.
while there, what you have we can use or whether we should apply for a contract that is more convertible, that we can, we can go through the premiums so that you understand what the expenses are all upfront.
And then you guys are empowered to make the decision on how you want to proceed in it.
It's simple, just phone call.
Perfect, OK, so that helps a lot of people tell these guys how to get in touch with you and then we'll take a couple more questions.
OK, um, we have a website, we have an office phone number.
I have a calendar, if you haven't.
It's either on the website, or, um, from the office where you can actually set an appointment, little discovery appointment with me, and it's, it's iron clad.
Otherwise, you'd call the office and they'll set up the appointment for you.
Our office number is 8 1 7, 204777.
I'll say it again.
that's 807, 200, 400, 777, South Equalled.
Kinda, talk about the website, and how, sure, yeah, WWW dot private banking strategies dot com, private banking strategies dot com, and you can schedule an appointment through that online calendar through that, if that's more convenient, and Vance has available times that will, that will schedule through there.
You do have to do an intake form to get to the scheduling of the call, so.
But, if you've got specific other asset protection questions that are beyond just the placement of a policy with regards to your business, and that would probably be a call for for me. And you can just e-mail into the officer asks, Myra, when you call into, that, you'd like to talk to me about some specific asset protection. Thanks.
Here's the next question. Says, Can the insured be a minor? Or do they have to be of legal adult age?
They can be a minor, There are qualifications, if it's a minor outside your family, that can qualify death benefit wise, 50% of what's on the parents.
So, many of my clients who are expanding what their kids want to put on grandkids like me. I've skipped my kids, I put these policy straight on my grandkids because my kids are still smarter than I am.
But anyway, a lot of times, I've had to submit large term policies on the parents, so I can get the amount I want on the kids, whether the kids actually take the.
That policy, or that application that I submitted on them, is up to them.
There's just ways to get exactly what you want. on.
All right, yeah, another great question to Vance.
It says, Here is the term policy.
I would buy for, say, $2 million, fully converted into whole life, for that total amount.
When I make the first contribution of, say, just half a million, or does that happen in stages? So, I guess what they're asking is, Can you convert it in stages, or do you have to convert it all at one time?
Beautiful question. I was hoping that one came. It's in stages only converting the amount you need.
It will be subtracted from the terms. So you don't have to pay.
You can pay a less amount on the term, and then slowly walk into it over time.
This person was asked where they can download the book web page or e-mail address.
I think you guys have a The book that you're seeing on your screen is a great book suggested, But Vance and Seth have kind of rewritten and put that in a, uh, in a format that is absolutely sensational. I've read both an option. I loved the one that advanced and put together. So do you guys have the ability for them to download the book from somewhere?
Yeah, WWW dot private banking strategies dot com, right? When you hit that website, there should be a popup window that says Free book download, you put in your name and an e-mail address. That's it. And then the the book download pops into your purview. So Debbie, WWW dot private banking strategies dot com should be a popup window there that says, put your name and your e-mail address and we'll send you the free book.
This person says, this person says, This is Kimberly. I'm not, I'm not at liberty to say people's last name so you guys have spoken with Kimberly, I guess, because she says, I would like to speak with them again.
I was discouraged from getting a policy on another person without having one on myself, or my husband first.
So, I would say to Kimberly, give these guys a call. I'm sure you just wrote down the number.
Um, let's see here, under the assumption that the crypto ship will sail much sooner than a typical 10 year term policy, would you recommend getting just a five year or shooter policy?
I am in excellent health at age 71, and underwriting should be fine, but I would not want to pay the higher premiums while waiting for crypto profit. So that's a great question, too.
It really is. It really is.
There aren't very many, five year convertible terms.
Usually a five year term was built for a reason that was true, secure.
Note, that was going to allow up to 60 months, what we're doing. And as far as the cost goes, it's not like half the price is less. If we can do that, that would be, you know, we can try that.
We then we've got 60 months to to use it or lose it.
So, yes or no.
I haven't dealt with the companies on the five year terms because like I said, that's a special product.
I don't even know if they come these whole life or companies that do.
This banking contract will have a five year convertible term, but that's a good question, That's something I want to find out, and if they're available, the answer is yes.
Now listen to this, guys.
This is obviously somebody who's been working with Vance. He says, Students shouldn't say he could be her.
They say, Vance and his office assistant are truly awesome. People.
Ask events how business owners can use their company to pay the initial premium payments on the convertible term policies.
This creates the placeholder policy that, later, can be converted into the obviously policy.
That's so absolutely true. That's part of the game here. So I don't wanna forget this first question. we had someone asked, how does this work for Canadians? I don't know that you need to go that deep, but maybe just encourage them to give you a call. I know you guys have some ways to do this for for certain other countries.
Can you, can you speak to that, Vance? Yes, it is in great detail.
There are some qualification requirements, but outside the country, whether it's Canadian or anywhere else around the world, life insurance companies here in the United States, require certain things to get a USA contract.
So that just takes some detail, the owner of partnership or something else like that here in the United States, then it's just as easy as anybody else.
So, Jay, what he's saying, is perhaps a business interests were insurable business interests, a Canadian as a the business interests in the states are we have a client that has a business partner in Israel and that Israeli actually owns property in the US. Those things all create insurable interest. It's a little more of a deep dive and it's more narrowly tailored dependent upon that particular person's situation.
Couple more here, just to make sure, do we need to get a medical exam? So I just want to address this myself, if you're getting an insurance policy, there's going to be a medical exam.
But one thing I want to make sure people are not missing and based on some of the questions I'm reading here that I'm not actually posing to Seth and bats.
There is a huge misconception here that people are obviously feeling like, oh, I don't want to get a policy on someone else. I want to get it on myself.
Vance explained to these people that no matter who the policy are, no matter who the policy is on the person that owns the contract owns the bank.
Explain to them that, that, I know you've done this in the past, and you don't have to go too long, because we've got a couple more questions, but explain to them that it's OK to have the policy on someone totally different, because you own the contract that your bank, you're in control, just as if the policy was on you.
Exactly guys.
What we're trying to do here is create a mini economy.
It's actually more preferable to have a contract on a younger person.
So, they're cheaper.
Um, the cost of insurance is a little bit less, but, you know, we're not talking about death benefits here.
We're talking about how much capitalization we can put it into our bank, it's naturally going to be on us. It can be that way.
The death benefits when we convert it, what is the absolute minimum life insurance that I have to convert to put X amount of dollars?
Because that's a cost, we want to keep the cost down to a minimum, and that's the reason for having policies on other people.
We bye policies of other people, other contracts that will work for banking once. We find out hey, they're going to surrender, and they don't want it anymore, they can't pay the premiums.
They're very valuable.
Let's take that. Let's take that to the next level.
Let's say somebody has a business partner, so they have a Vested Interest in insurable Vested Interest. And they check out a policy on their business partner. And they build up this big Huge Bank, right? And then all of a sudden, they have a big fallout with the business partner.
And, you know, they're going different ways. Maybe that guy's even moving out of the country.
They obviously have the ability just to keep that running and keep their bank going and all the above, but they also have the ability to collapse that policy if that's what they wanted to do as well, did they not?
That's a break the dissolution of the partnership makes no difference. Once the contract is in force, everything has to meet contract, life insurance contract law at initiation.
My partner, who are not partner, but the guru who trained me, recently, it has so many contracts, had over 150 policies guys.
That was true and Scott Moore today.
Um, he would create a partnership and it would dissolve within six months after the creation of the partnership, just so he could buy more policies and get more money into his back.
So if we take that to a one more level before we move on, let's say someone's taking out a policy on a 16 year old grandson and you're the grand father grandmother.
And down the way, you say, listen, I want to make sure that the ownership of this transfers to grandson, or granddaughter, parents, all you do, is, you build it up. You do what you're doing, because you're in control.
You're the owner, it's your contract, and then somewhere down the line where you say, Hey, you know, I'm probably bouncing off this planet sometime soon. Let me transfer ownership to my son or my daughter who might be the parents of the grandson, and then they could do the same thing down the road. And now you have, what you spoke of, is this generational economy that's growing and growing and growing. Again, with all the benefits that Seth pointed out earlier this morning, is that am I saying that correctly? Right?
What little bit more dive a little is this family trust.
Just have the family trust all the policies and you're done.
You know. It's just the control of the.
That trust goes to the trustee and then down to the next trust it down to the next day. I keep buying more policies on the younger generations but the banking never quits.
So the way that would work, Jay, would be the grandfather has the control of the bank. He is the trustee of the trust. The, when he passes or his wife passes and there's policies on them. If there were, those death benefits would be paid into the trust. And there'd be a massive cash insertion into that trust.
And then, upon the passing of the trustee, the successor trustee, who would be the son or the daughter, would take control of that trust.
All of the policies, all of the contracts that are already in existence on the grandchildren one or one thousand, and the death benefit proceeds that just got dumped into the trust.
And then, cycle that into new policies on children and grandchildren, and then when those the that father passes, the grandchild would become the successor trustee.
And the same process that we just described would happen again, over and over.
Perfect, perfect. So generational building, here, the Church, which is great.
OK, we're gonna do for more questions, and call it a morning, here, these guys, I don't want to keep them all day. I respect their time a lot, and you heard Seth earlier, 500 bucks an hour.
So what's respect that wasn't able to get here in the beginning? So hoping this hasn't been covered.
Can a policy be taken out and stepchild? Yes, that's insurable interest.
Um, you guys stop me if I answer something incorrectly.
Let's see here. There's just a couple more.
Hello, guys, I wish I knew Seth. I wish I knew Vance and Seth many years ago. But even now, it's not too late.
I think the only worry I have is if value of the dollar will become 10% in the future.
But I think the tools they offer is a great way to diversify somebody's assets. Is there any way your tool can addressed future inflation?
Very simply, he who understands money has the control, if all the money in the world was divvied out equally among the people Within less than 10 years, 3% would have control of all the money.
If you understand banking, it doesn't matter. Inflation, anything else.
System, the process of how we could be trading in rocks a year from now, it wouldn't matter, you know, or food, or whatever else.
It's the equation and understanding of how money flows, how call economy flows, how commerce flows.
That is the secret and this is the easiest, simplest way to do that and have it off grid.
OK, another Canadian question, same person, and I think for us, Canadians, when we talked about this before, it was my understanding that we would have to go to see them in person to get this started.
I did the initial paperwork to prove health and wealth.
But my wealth is insignificant at this point. How do we move forward?
I think he's asking, How do we move forward, For example, to go ahead and do the term policy so that it's convertible.
So, again, I think the answer to that is, just go ahead and give a call back in. Is that right, guys?
Yeah, do it. That way It needs to be economically sound for everybody.
We can all, if we're talking really small amounts, to try to get this setup.
An American contract, it may not be worth it, you know?
I hate to say that, because here in America, you know, people who want to ensure grandkids and everything else, even though it's 2500 or $5000 a year, for those that were contracts on them, it's worth it.
But the have to come into the United States, setup land deals, or job opportunity.
You have to have your pyramid exams done in the United States.
You know, you only wanted to do a five or $10000 annual deposit into account.
It would be much better that would qualify them, probably, for a for term or something like that, if they can get that.
Oh, and then do the dumped and do the windfall strategy.
So, yeah, a phone call would still be possible.
This person is asking a question about putting $50,000 convertible blah, blah blah, but I think a better way of posing the question to you.
I know there are tons of variables here, Vance, but just as a general idea, if a person was going to get a term policy, I know that it matters how healthy they are, what age they are. I know all those things matter.
But just in general terms, say, a $5 million convertible policy.
Are they probably looking at a thousand, 2000, $3000 a month outlay for that because this person is talking about putting up $50,000 to convert a year from now and they're saying what kind of policy does that buy me? Is it a million dollars or two million is at five million.
So, just as a general idea, and, again, I know there's tons of variables, but can you speak to that?
Sure, if a person wants to put in and have a bank for $50,000, you divide that by four and we only talk annual premiums.
Guys never ever pay a model premium monthly or quarterly or semi-annual.
The cost that just go away from you are like 9%, so don't do that.
Back to that, so we're talking $50,000, that's a problem I have.
Yeah, 25 per year.
Um, It would be around $300,000.
Death benefit contract would be a very small contract.
Yeah has a $5 million turn policy.
It has a huge windfall. How much could he put in?
Again, age is a huge factor here but somewhere right around a million true.
Maybe $2 million of actual cash.
That all could be converted.
So, so on a, on a term, policy, if a person's putting basically one thousand dollars a month into a term policy, they're going, But they're only going to get insurance for 100 grand to underground, No, no, no, no, no, that's, that's $12,000 annual premium.
I haven't had anybody have to pay that much, even 70 year old to get, 2, 3, $4 million worth of death benefit. OK, yes, I was a little confused by your answer.
So, if a person is putting a $12,000, which again, does work out to about $1 thousand dollars a month, I know they're gonna pay it all at one time to get the savings of non roughly 9%.
But if they're doing that, that term policy is probably going to be dependent on age, dependent on health, all those things, a several million dollars policy, that's convertible, correct?
Just make sure we're clear. Alright, last couple here. Let's see, J, I'm late. Yes, I am going to post this, and Patria on someone asks me also, can this recording be shared? Yes, this recording can be shared.
Make sure if you're sharing the recording and you're having your family and friends, get in touch with Seth and those guys that you know you do a proper introduction, do a proper introduction to those guys so that so these guys know they came from you guys. I'm completing the intake for now.
Form right now, OK, good. Does Vance suspect that culvert or another outbreak will jeopardize me converting my convertible term policy with him into RBAC policy?
Once the contract is written, it is indisputable, no matter what happens in.
You know, in our economy, it's getting new Kotlin tracks is what is the question.
Could they change the questionnaire, could they change, you know, the qualifications. Absolutely.
And I, I see a window here for the next few months of nothing happening, everything staying the way that it is, but I just sort of thing that term, and whole life is going to become harder.
Yeah, and I will.
I will reference, just to back up what Seth is saying here, um, obviously people in power in the world, they know more than we know.
Right? That's pretty much been a constant.
So, could we, could, we probably all agree, that the United States military is in the know, there are a powerful player, in the whole space of the world economy, and they are in the know. So, what are they telling us?
They're telling us right now that, if you had coven, you can't go in the military.
So you're 18 year old kid as a senior in High School gets coven, gets the sniffles but gets diagnosed with covert and gets the sniffles, and he makes it through it. No problem just has a few sniffles quarantines for 14 days, and he wants to come out and go fly Jets for the Navy.
They will not take him, because he had covert because he had Kovac, he cannot go in the military.
So that's what I, that's the reason why I pestered Seth for multiple weeks, and said, Seth, we gotta do a meeting. You gotta tell people that there could possibly be a window closing here.
And, you know, people can get the process started right now to be able to, just like Seth June, or Advanced, just said to you, once the contract written and done, you're converting. It's no problem.
So I'm, I'm going to be emphatic, like Seth is with me and I'm going to tell you guys put yourself in a position to win.
Put yourself in a position to win, make an investment in yourself.
If, if, this is a tool, I'm a big advocate of being a free thinker.
So if you've looked at all the details here that have been spelled out, the 3 or 4 Tom Seth Advance have been on, and you've been saying to yourself, I just can't wait to get that started, I'm telling you today, if it's within your means, go over there and get yourself something started so that you can convert it very easily.
You may find that down the road you need a bigger bank, and you have a lot of problem with that. We'll face that when we get there, but for now get yourself something started. That's That's kind of my take on it.
And why Pestered, Chef, please come on and do this. So, guys, I think that's our last, that's our last question.
We did actually manage to get through all the questions.
Seth, in advance, thank you, immensely, for being willing to do this on a kind of semi regular basis.
Talk with these folks, answer their questions on events, you do a lot of discovery meetings. Thank you for all your time you put in that. And Vance doesn't care if you're calling in and you're just trying to do some discovery and get the information.
Know, he wants the opportunity to serve, you know, his personality. I've gotten to know him as well with Seth. He wants the opportunity to serve. And so, and he's even at 70 years old, He's very excited to be helping people with this. He didn't say this in so many. He said it in so many words, I'm gonna put it in layman's terms.
Seth had built up the traditional, or excuse me, advance had built up the traditional kind of, you know, insurance business. Let's call it residual income, coming in as people, renew their policies and all that.
And when he saw this opportunity, he walked away from it, he told his partner, You're buying me out.
You're buying me out and I'm going in a different direction because what I've been selling can't compete with what they have to offer right over here.
And he walked away from that. He said, I'm out of this, going into that.
And I can't tell you what that speaks to me, when I hear someone do that, because in today's world, what we have is we have a loss of morality.
We have a loss of character.
We have a loss in a lot of those areas, because guess what, if we can be moralize you, we can de characterize you.
You won't even bat an eye to keep voting for some God, doing something That's evil or something that's demoralizing an office somewhere, but let's get you demoralized first.
So, when I see someone like Vance, doing that speaks volumes to my heart, of a guy who says, hey, I can't keep selling that. It's inferior to what is being offered over here, and way late in the stage of the game of life, he said, I'm walking away from that and I'm gonna go over here and build this.
I gotta commend you for that amount, I have to commend. You have told you that before? But I think that's sensational.
Well, thanks, Jay. My father actually told me, and he heard this, I think, for someone else.
Find something that you have a passion and you love to do, and you never have to work a day in your life.
That's right, and I love this.
The only thing that I require is that every buddy wins, that there's no risk except themselves, they have to answer to themselves, and then they have their own control over everything.
That's what you said, there's no risk in doing this. There's no downside to this right, Vance, right?
zero, no.
The only downside is you've got this personal looking back at you in the mirror.
Yes, that person is, and I'll shady characters, and we can't help.
Yeah, Seth, any closing thoughts?
I just want to thank you, Jay, for the opportunity to, to service folks.
And, like Vance said, no, this is something that we we do well, we're passionate about.
And we can help people, you know, secure their assets and their family assets and come into private banking strategies in a way that is unparalleled really in the market and with our expertise.
So, we look forward to helping people do that now and thank you for the time to help folks, Jay, and just really appreciate their friendship.
Absolutely, true with both you guys. I'm glad our paths crossed in this lifetime.
So anyway, guys, I'm going to mute out, Seth and advance, if you guys have any questions to me, crypto, whatever I'll hang for 10 or 15 more minutes, and I'll be happy to answer those.
We're here, we're all here, together right now, so if you guys have or have a question or two, feel free to put it in.
And I just want to take a second to thank Vance and Seth again, for coming and serving Any questions, guys.
Any crypto questions don't ask me about PPT. It's going to go up, we're going to be winners.
But any other questions guys You got some feel free to type it in our hold just a minute for you.
Now what are your buyback targets? Let me look at them quickly and let's put that up on the board.
Let me on another monitor hub, I mentioned that.
I don't, I haven't got one, because I don't want it to take up all the space on my desk, But I'm gonna, I'm gonna get you one, just so you can set it on. George comes in loud and clear.
Jay, if you got your new monitor yet, let's see here, let's share a different screen.
Gosh, I had to move everything around to get there.
OK, let's go to ..., let me move this now so I can see them.
If you have any other questions, feel free to look, feel free to put those in.
Just gonna hang a couple more minutes here with you guys.
OK, Nimes, oh, yeah, so I have a sneaky suspicion here that if we get the rollover in Bitcoin we're going to obviously get a rollover in some of the coins that haven't given up yet.
Um, here's a nice little uh, you know kind of up there Pattern, you know, it's not quite a rising wedge yet, but it looks like it's going to rise up into that wedge and that's on the weekly even if we go to the daily So, I would anticipate if I just look the monthly chart over.
If we get a drop, we could come all the way back to here, This level here.
I mean, you've got this huge monthly candle so it leaves your, kinda your support levels way down here.
So, at least, down to 5%, but maybe even lower. And I would say the next level would be about 3.5%.
OK, I do expect that this would roll over with the rolling over of Bitcoin.
If you look at the chart, the chart is identical to Bitcoin, the only differences is, it hasn't made a higher low yet.
So, in essence, one more here, and we go up like this, and we've been coming down for months and months and months. What you want to now see is a higher low.
So, it drops down to say, there, It makes a higher low, but not a new low, and goes up, because you see we had that low.
We had that low.
We had that low, and now we haven't seen the higher low yet, so I would guess between 4.5% in 3% is probably going to be a good Babak point.
Um, This is one that I do want to buy back in, but there are others, I like even better than them at this point.
So, Yeah, I do want to buy it back. Do you want to buy them back?
And actually I'm actually contemplating that may not buy bitshares back.
OK, may not buy shares back, so we'll see about that one, but I'll now I do want to buy them back.
I want to be in them kinda trading in and out of it, If the opportunity arises. I wanna do this now, till 20, 24, 20, 25.
Insider information we don't want to be in 20 25.
OK, Bitcoin above 11,000, do you still see a correction to AK Oh yes, I do.
Let's look at that for one second.
And let's go to this one, Yeah, I like that one better.
Let's pull it into timeframe on the daily.
here, let's go this way, so everything I see in the chart is three wave ish right, so A B, see three wave ish.
Everything I see is three wave as A, B, C, C always goes past A write in any correction.
So about 11 5 to 11 7 is where I see this ending.
We're not going up on any significant volume, the volume is actually kinda going down on the daily, right, Even the last couple of days.
Notice here, we had a day here on this particular one Is this this Coinbase, let's take a look at another one.
That's food stamp, and that is Gemini.
Notice that we had, right here we had this fairly good volume day, absolutely, no movement and price.
The next day, we have just a teeny tiny little bit more volume and this massive move in price.
Then the next day, we get another minimal volume kandel, kind of like the 1, 3 days ago but look at the body of the candle and even the distance that it went.
So from a volume perspective, it's kind of already confirming to me that ultimately, let's put it like this.
What I'm kind of expecting is here here here.
Then I'm expecting here, here, here. Let's put that at a ..., OK, but probably up to 11 7, I would think.
Then from there, I'm expecting one of these.
About, Like, so.
And so when this is all done and said and over, you will have an A B, NSC and here's how you will know C, because when, when this last leg starts here, it's going to do that.
And Bob Waves, you'll have a big long three.
And then a push down like that.
OK? So that's kinda how I'm expecting this, this party to end, is down here.
I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
I have my orders in place to sell the Ethereum, that I moved out a chain link. And we're not that far away. I mean, I could sell it right now, and be OK. It'd be OK. Even at a little bit of a Loss From the Profit, I took out a Chain link, it would be OK.
But to have that money on the side, it's such a large amount of money.
To then re-allocate at the lows, going, not only back into chain link, maybe adding some Ethereum, maybe adding some of these ...
tokens like that, one trade, can turn into so much money. And you'll need to keep up with it.
You'll need to keep track of it in your, in your journal. So let me give you an example of what I mean.
If you took a certain amount of money and you put it in chain link, and you got 15 times your money, and that money was whatever it is, I don't care.
It does not matter what the number is, but you got 15 times your money, and you take a portion of that money, and you say, for example, you put it in track down at a low point for track, by the way.
Just to cover a broad number of questions.
You want to be buying your track your dos or this or that all when this is happening down here.
So let bitcoin be your guide just like me. I'm not your hero I'm your God I'm here to guide you and say I've been here. I've done that.
I've lost a lot of money, I've made a lot of money, I get it right, most of the time, I'm gonna get it wrong, as well, but I'm here to guide you, and keep your emotions in check, I'm here to guide you and help you know, hey, we're on the approach of a real serious take profit position, right, so here we, are, it's happening, Everything we talked about six months ago is happening now. So now we start to liquidate our stuff, I'm just a guy. I guess that's all I am.
I'm not your hero, I'm just your guide.
Um, Down here is where you're gonna wanna, you'll want to want to do that, but let's go back to what I was saying for one second time.
If you took a 15 X on something, and let's say you take any portion of that money, doesn't matter how much it is, and you say, You know what? I'm putting that on track, and I'm putting it on track, at 5%, OK?
The moment that block of money, and this is what I want you to keep track of folks, this is gonna blow your mind. This really goes back to what Vance and Seth have been teaching us the velocity of money The volume of money. So you take a 15 X position.
At the top you tether off.
Everything comes back.
You put a portion of that money into track, have 5%. Every Tom track goes 5%. You got another 15 X on your money.
Understand that math.
Every single time that block of money that you captured that 15 exon, you captured it up here. It was worth 15 times the money. You came down here.
Every time you put it in something that goes 100% profit, you just got another 15 X that would have been like sitting in that same position in chain link, and waiting for it then to double again. So, if you got in way down here, it went up to here, you took, you're looking at 15 X the profit for you to get another 15 X The price has to double in chain link to get another 15 X But if you take it off right there and you put it in track and track doubles its price, one time, you just got a 15 X on that block of money. If it doubles to Tom's, you got another 15 X if it doubles three times. So let track. let some of your position from chain link go into track and let track.
Do a 50 X and go back and do your math, and you're gonna go holy ****, you're going to fall out of your chair.
Most people have never done the math backwards. It doesn't matter. If you're buying a car, a house, an investment in a business. You always back into the deal. You don't go in the deal forward. You go in backwards. How does this turn out for me? What's the best possible scenario backwards forward? What's the worst possible scenario backwards forward?
If you want to schedule a one-on-one with me, you do it on the website, guys, you don't e-mail me. I don't take e-mails from the group anymore. So just go to the website. Where did they go, Georgia? Are you still here?
Yep, I am, they. I was just working on that page. George, I'm gonna pull that up.
Oh, how can I get the recording of this meeting? And the two previous a M A meetings.
Well, if you're in, if you're in, patron or on, they're in your pager on, everything is in Patriot gas, always posted in patron, it's always there. This particular one, I will post to the actual link to the recording, so that you may share it with your friends and family, but normally, we're putting stuff and patron now completely locked down. Most of the AMA's are not locked now.
When do you think of the flow. What do you think of the Flare Network, have no clue what the ... Network is?
No clue, cannot answer that question.
Are you still selling Neo?
No, I am not. At this point, I am not selling Neo.
Just got money back in my own wallet, and at this point, I'm not selling me.
Someone says a link, please, Link. Go ahead, George.
OK, I didn't put the link out there, but it's, it's basically you're gonna go to the Bitcoin Academy.
And under services, you're going to see consulting services.
And it's going to pull that up, and you can go right in the middle, contact crypto J And fill that form out.
Yeah, go over there, go back to that last page and click on Mrs. Neo.
This is my wife Cass.
She does education in crypto for women. She also does mindset sessions.
She does health save your life if you needed to. She saved mine.
She does not do one-on-one consultations with men.
And when I do a one-on-one consultation with any female, my wife always sits in on the meeting.
But she just chooses not to do that.
So she will do that with couples.
She will do that with women.
And under any of those topics, she's a lot more inexpensive than me just keeping that in mind. And you can see some of her reviews down there that she's had. She has helped a lot of people, including me, by the way, including me. So, last question here, someone's asking me to cover link, I'll cover that, we'll close this down. George, thank you for sharing that.
I'm not going to pull the chart up, I'm just going to go to it myself and give you guys an idea on buying back your link.
Again, I do see that some of the kryptos have rallied obviously. So, has Bitcoin, right.
Um, but I'm a patient guy everything I see on every chart has got ABC's everywhere.
Everything I see on every chart also is in the midst of completing emotional cycles.
So I think, I think you're going to see link go as low as the 3 50 area.
What I wait till 3 50 to be buying it?
No, I would not. I would probably start my purchases when it breaks under $5. If it's really having a good push down day, I would even wait till 4 50 to start buying.
But I think you're going to see at least 350, maybe a little bit lower than that.
Um, I'm looking at the chart, 3, 86, think you're gonna see the 380, 386 area, and may be a little push down. Would you be able to catch that little push, probably not, that's why I say to you start your buying above where you're trying to get to.
If you were buying 6000 coins, I'd say you buy your first 1500, like 5000.
And then, you know, if it goes to $4, you buy another 1500. If it goes to 375, you're going in with the last.
You know? 3000 coins at that price.
You're now going to end up with a really decent Average price for a push by the way on the next rally up to about $60 You guys remember, I said that because if the next time we go we go to $60 after we went to 4 or 5.
You're probably going to go How do you know that?
How did you know that?
So let's just let that play out and see what happens.
Yeah, I'm just going over the chart again.
Um, yep. That's what I think you're gonna see on link, I think everything is still going to rollover guys. If Bitcoin rolls over. I don't care what Dallas has done the last couple of days. I don't care what track has done the last couple of days. They will give up the goes to a certain degree.
We're gonna get to see which ones are very strong against Bitcoin and which ones aren't, all of them are gonna give up the Go som.
But I think we're going to see a pretty good push down if Bitcoin does do the rollover. I'm expecting. If it doesn't, guess what?
Guess what. If it doesn't roll over and it just rallies and goes up, do we still win? Yes, we still win.
That's why it's my job as a guide to come out and go guys I've thought about it for two full days.
I Can't live with myself if I sell my big Ethereum position up here at $500.
I can't live with myself if I sold that and the price went up I can live with myself if I take some profits And then it takes off and runs and I've still got my big position. I can live with myself.
I can live with myself if it goes all the way back to $200 and then Rally's. I can live with all that. I can't live with myself if I sell it to take profits because it's so much money.
And then the price just rallies on pass goes to 800 goes to 1400. Doesn't give me a chance to get back in.
So that's my part of the work here as a guide.
Is to not only go here's our targets.
Here's our things, here's our that's, but to also add all the extra little Kind of finite details that people need to be able to make accurate, good decisions most of the time.
I stress that most of the time.
And the reason I'm saying that is because, um, As I said before, I'm not always going to get it right.
So, the idea is to give you the best I can give you most of the time.
Sometimes, I'm going to be wrong, I'm OK with that. If you're OK with that, I'm OK with that.
If you're not OK with having a coach, that's going to get it wrong from time to time, you need a new coach. And good luck with that.
The Flare Network is going to be smart contract, working with Ripple on the platform. You can get on flare token for each ripple you have, Oh, you're talking about the air, the fork that's coming, or the airdrop. Again, I don't know anything about it. I just know it's coming, and I will be here for her to participate.
Now, one caveat to that, When is the Ripple airdropped, Georgia, December, Or November?
It's, it's December, I believe.
OK, so here's one caveat to that, If Ripple rallied and I'm holding 100,000 of them.
And it rallied to five bucks because of an airdrop, I'm probably going to take my 500,000.
I'm going to take my 500,000.
So that's the only caveat I have to that.
And I'm not even going to worry about the airdrop, because here's the thing.
The moment the airdrop is over. If Ripple rallied that far, it's going to dropped two dollars and 50% and a couple of clicks.
And you just lost 250 grand.
Is flare going to be worth 250 gram?
There's no way of knowing, There's absolutely no way of knowing.
Is it going to be worth 250 grand the day? It comes out? I doubt it.
I doubt it.
So could I take my 500,000 profit, then take 20,000 of my profit and baffler at whatever the penny price it is that it comes out? Yes.
So let that be your guide a little bit.
Let that be your guide.
Guys, this has been great. I'm glad that Seth and those guys joined us. You've heard my thoughts about it.
All I work to do is get you prepared for what I believe is coming.
Don't always get that right either.
I keep my ear to the ground all the time, always listening, always, whatever.
I will tell you guys in closing, before it comes out on the news to run to your local grocery store and stack up on everything, I'm telling you out here, local news, run to the store and stock up on everything.
There is plans in place that aren't just a second round of covert.
There are plans in place and the market is hinting to you know, how when we, when we go back and look at the chart and buy in past time, we can go oh, yeah, the chart was screaming at me to sell that. The market is hinting to you when you can't buy a freezer.
When you go to your local Home Depot, and you go to your best buy, and you go wherever they go, well yeah. Yeah. You can put your order and we'll have them in four months.
And there's no guarantee on that. I went to buy a Polaris slingshot earlier this year, gave them $15,000, placed my order. They guaranteed me. They were gonna deliver it by my birthday and on my birthday. I still hadn't heard from them.
Not one, not one peep out of them and I called him and my whole point the day I put down the 15 grand was Look, I don't want to be waiting six months a year to get this product. If you can't do it, tell me now. Oh, no, no, no. We can do what we can do it and guess what? I went back down there and got my money back.
Because when I finally got them on the phone, they said, Well, Duda Cozad is probably going to be a year.
Well, you know, we had that conversation The day I was here.
Why am I telling you that?
You can go to Best Buy today, and they'll tell you, yep, we can get it, be here in four months, I doubt it.
I doubt it.
A doubt the four month window and their computer will be accurate but they will hold your money during that time. And they will make money on your money during that time.
And so what I'm saying to you is when the market is signaling to you and you can't give freezers and you can't get simple little things like Ball jars, are you telling me that it's so bad in the world that they can't keep making ball jars? Till next June, we won't have more ball jars till next June in those stores.
The market is signaling to you, that's in addition to everything I've heard sitting on the telephone for the last several weeks.
So I'm just giving you guys a courtesy public service announcement.
And I'm saying, if you're, if you're, if your Storehouse is a little low from the last several months, do yourself a favor, fill it back up.
And then the last thing I'll tell you is, keep your ears to the ground for next fall.
Next fall guys.
Think of the Fall guy.
The guy who falls down next fall.
Next poll when you listen to some of the key players like, Oh Billy Boy come on TV and he keeps winking at the TV screen and go and we'll be ready next time.
The next time is already in play, guys.
And, again, this fall, it's next ball, unless it changes its next ball.
So just, I'm going to tell you that a few more times between now and next fall, but put it in your data bank today, and get yourself prepared for that. Let me, let me say this. I know I'm closing, and I'm closing along, but let me say this to you.
Here's why your life can still be positive. No matter what, they are up to.
Did you notice that Agenda 2021 changed to Agenda 30?
And if you notice, did you ask yourself why that took place? Did you ever say to yourself, I wonder why it changed?
Timms, asking, fall of 2021, correct?
Um, It changed, because whatever those powers are, they don't have the control you think they have.
They've been trying to take this particular country down for a couple of hundred years Why?
If you're gonna have a globalist agenda, you've gotta have the one country that still has democracy. You gotta have that country to do it. You can't, and especially if that a country just happens to be the one that issues the stable currency of the world, right?
So you need that country, and they've come from every angle you can come from.
And their latest plan plan has failed, just like their previous plan failed.
Now, you say no, no, no, they're not failing, people are dying from covert. I get it, I understand. That's just one piece of the puzzle. But here's what I'll tell you, when somebody has a plan, what is the one thing?
I'm gonna wait for your answers on this.
What is the one thing you must have if you have a plan?
So, it doesn't matter what the plan is, the plan could be to take down the free world.
What must you have if you have a plan? Anybody? Care to answer? Care to guess?
OK, Backup Plan, that's a good answer. Power to get an answer. Backup plan. Yep. Control, yeah, all good answers.
Acceptance, that's pretty close.
A backup plan, here's what you must have.
Someone says, a stop loss, Yeah! Here's what you must have, if you have a plan, and you want to initiate your plan, you must have participants!
If you don't have participants, you can't.
You can't facilitate your plan.
This is why I'm constantly in your ear saying to you, Make your circle, great.
If you're making your circle great, and you're focused on that, and you maybe have a sphere of influence and you're helping 2, 3, 4, or five other people, make their circle great, you know what you're not doing, You're not participating in the plan.
You're actually going completely against the plant.
And if they had enough participants, they would have already taken over the free world.
And that's why it didn't happen in 20 21, Not going to happen in 20 21. And they now have a new day. They now have a new signal aged 20 30.
So, my point in talking about all that is, is, genius, keep making your circle great. Don't participate in their plan. I get it. It's not great. I get it, we can't jump on an airplane and go on vacation, like we used to, I get, there's some things that are different. I'm not trying to excuse that.
I'm just saying to you, whatever comes our way.
Keep a smile on your face, keep making your circle great. Keep your family safe. Keep your family prepared for whatever comes your way.
And by the time, this all balls over and then blows over, which, by the way, I'm unfortunately to tell you, is not tomorrow.
It's going to be a little bit, this is just the beginning, this is just the beginning.
From everything, I'm being told everything I'm hearing, this is just the beginning.
So from that perspective, keep yourself in a position to win.
And part of that is, it starts upstairs. It starts with your attitude.
If you get down in the mouth and get a bad attitude about it, you're borderline participating, and you're going to be hard pressed. You remember, I told you that your brain doesn't have the ability to make rational decisions when you're overcome with emotion, will be overcome with emotion, but be overcome with the emotion of joy?
Be overcome with the emotion of, Hey, I've got my family in a position on need him to be in, hey, look at kryptos, go.
I'm in crypto with money. I can buy a doctor's signature if I need it.
With money, I can do this with money, I can do that with money. I can beat the $5000 billion. That's going to be printed by the time we get into the new year.
So be emotional, but be emotional about the right things.
OK, guys, Enjoy your Saturday. Thank you for joining us this morning.
Thank you for being here without you being here. We wouldn't have had a meeting.
George, thank you for being here.
Thanks, everybody.
Everybody, have a good weekend. More to come next week.

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