Caleb & Brown Live Stream with Jay, Jeff & Jake – The “J” Team

0:16 Hello. 0:20 Good evening, everyone. 0:22 Jeff, you...

Good evening, everyone.
Jeff, you want me there?
Yeah. Can you hear me? Yes, sir. I can hear you, we're live, buddy Kind of testing.
We are live, I apologize for my tardiness.
Problem was, I had a late afternoons. Banking call and I didn't realize that had run over and then my wife says, hey, you gotta call us. Like, oh my god, I do have a goal.
Totally looms over over over my limitations today. Sorry about that, buddy.
Problems are problems. Thanks for having us. See, George is here with us, and Jake is here, I think. Just unmute my guys.
And it looks like we're already over a couple hundred attendees and climbing, so let's just jump into it. I won't, I won't keep apologizing all night.
Um, Jeff, I wanted to kinda have this meeting, so that you could have the platform too express some of your gratitude of some things coming up in your life. And so, I'm just really going to turn it over to you, buddy, and let you take it away.
Awesome. Thanks for that, Jane. Hello, everybody. Else on the strain This evening for you, and it's not, I am in Melbourne, Taiwan on Thursday.
Yeah, so, no gain.
It's been, for a lot of us, it's been a wild.
you know, several years, a multi-year journey will sort of, you know, get us all to where we are today, and it's just, it's just been a wild whirlwind of opportunity and trust. And you're not hard times and in good times in a little laughter and, sometimes, tears.
But, yeah, I just want to share my extreme gratitude. Display everybody here and get the opportunity to, to work with everyone.
The way that, Um, glad I have, you know, the big news for me is is and I'm stepping down as the Brokerage director of ... Brown, and I'm actually moving back to a more part-time role as an advisor.
So, you know, so, it looks like, yeah, I'm going to be making that move in, January there. And I'm going to be making several introductions to some of the brokers at Calvin Brown.
And, yeah, it's been a while journey.
I can't believe that I've had, you know, the opportunity to work with so many incredible people and be such a big part of our lives.
I've been lucky enough to have been there when some people's dreams come true timetables mortgages off, you know, being able to retire but earlier and things like that.
Crypto has been there.
It's this thing in saying this whole journey and it's just been surreal.
Know, I've worked in other jobs before and I've never had a family like Caleb and Brown, but also like crypto trade calls.
You know, some of you who've been with us for so many years and it's just, know, I'm really proud to look back and column, all of you know, dear friends, you know, they're really warms my heart that this this incredible journey with babl to take together and this whole thing just built on on trust and that isn't visible digital assets that we hold in our wallets and the dream that tomorrow will be better than today. So yeah, I have nothing to express, but my extreme gratitude for everybody as Parliamentarians team spirit, that I'm actually losing some of the stuff that I had in my mind. That, I was gonna say this, because I'm so emotional about, about this had to be so emotional about work, or, you know, this, this type of thing from my life, and it's just.
It's one of those things, I guess.
He's still there, Jeff.
Yeah, I'm still here. I'm sorry. I thought you got muted. They're not so good just to clarify for everybody.
Yeah, go ahead.
I'm still going to have the same number. I'm still going to have an e-mail. You're still going to be able to contact me if you need anything. That's not a good buy.
It is not going to take another step, you know, in my journey, and we're gonna be doing a bit of traveling with my, my partner next year, which is going to be incredible.
I'm really looking forward to that, and, yeah, looking for other opportunities by meeting other people in crypto, and I'm sure that I'll have an opportunity to meet a lot of you in my travels as well, I guess I can hand it over to you now, Jack.
Yes. So someone says, here, it sounds like you're getting a promotion, and so anytime you get to step back from the workload, that's a promotion. Yes, so good for you. Good for you.
I know that, you talked to me about this a few days ago, and I don't know how everyone else is feeling about it, but I just have no other words for Jeff, other than how excited I am for him.
And, um, I can't be anything, but that.
I know that already.
I think I've been turned over to Jake and Jake and I had a really nice call yesterday.
And I'm really looking forward to work on the cake. I think I'll be with you, Jeff, to what? the end of December And then kinda roll over into things with Jake from there. Yeah. Yeah, but that's pretty much it.
You know, we've been Jake and I've actually spent probably about 5 or 6 hours every single day, The last two weeks, actually looking at people just from the bench team, to see, all right, who is this person?
What does their personality line? can holiday going to be, best pad with a personality?
No broker at Brown. And, we've spent a lot of time just making sure that, you know, this handover is going to be meticulous, that people are going to get someone dot net.
If you're going to be a thoughtful assignment than that, that we're going to give them the best.
So it's not how can I put it? It's it's not a demotion promotion for everyone.
I think everyone will have an opportunity to, to meet, they broke up, many broker next next week. And, yeah, well, I think we're very, very excited.
You know, like you said, you know, it's a, it's a, it's a promotion for, for everyone, and it's, it's a great opportunity and it's a celebration of a journey closing, a chapter in the opening of a new one and I'll still be here And like I said, I still have an e-mail and people are welcome to contact me and everything, like that, Very excited.
Yeah, never, never going to get an interesting, I can tell you that, you know, still going to be around.
But, yes, so many memories over so many years here, and it's just, just love all of you, seriously.
Don't think I can play it more clearly than that, I guess.
Yeah, well, you know, and the idea is that we could have a quick 15 minute call tonight.
And, you know, you could kinda have that, that conversation with everybody at once instead of having to call up hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people.
They can kinda hear it straight from you here on the platform.
And that was kinda my idea, guys and I was glad that Jeff accepted to come on me, you know, I'm sure he's got plenty going on to handover, the reins to, to new folks.
And so, the last thing that we want to do as a team is be, you know, a bigger burden to Jeff, where, you know, everybody has to feel like they have to get that personal call.
I just have to say, publicly that, I'm so grateful for all of the help that you gave me, Jeff, personally, and I'm also unbelievably grateful that I've been able to attach my name to you guys.
And that whole process, every step of the way, has gone beautifully, even a couple of times, when there was a misunderstanding.
No, we worked it out.
We talked, everybody understood each other.
At the end, business relationship was never stronger. Personal relationships were never stronger.
And it's just a it's just a, I think, a real testament to people being able to do business that way.
And let's not even forget, that have never really No hugged. one another shook hands, or any of that stuff. I mean, we do feel like family. But yet, I haven't had a chance to put my arm around your neck.
And so, I'm looking forward to that day.
But I just want to, I just want to say thank you on behalf of myself and my family, because you've helped all of us, every person in my family.
And I want to thank you for help an extended family at the bench team.
And that's not just you, Jeff, but you've also helped place a lot of those people with good people like Jake.
And if Jake's here with us, I love reject to just say we're before we, before we convene, but thank you so much, Jeff, from from the bottom of my heart.
Really doesn't mean a lot of Jake's month is working on, yeah, he's got it on issues.
But it just really, it really takes me back when, when you have, when you work with some people, and they're just, so, consider it.
You know, that's one thing that I've always, you know, one thing I've learned from a lot of people in, the, same as being humble, you know, and, and just really just being considerate for other people. And I really feel that everyone at the brokerage feels that from, from this team.
Especially, you know, even in comparison to other teams that we work with. You know, the, the, the gratitude and just the Humbleness and everybody involved.
this is incredible and we're all working towards the same outcomes. Everyone wants the same thing, that's always asked against the problem, It's not us against each other, and that makes sense. It's made our job incredibly easy and it. all starts from the top and benefit everyone. And so Cohesive as a unit, as a team.
And, and we're forever appreciative for that.
Jake's mic is on, but we're not hearing him, George. Did you have anything you wanted to add?
Buddy: I, You know, Jeff, I am. I'm really happy that I've gotten to know you. You've always been a totally stand-up guy. I wish I would have gotten a chance to to meet you down under, because I've always wanted to go to Australia. But maybe that will happen sometime when all the craziness stops. But I, I really wish you the best, because I know it's something that, that you've wanted, and, and I hope that we can all wish you the best. Because that's what we want for ourselves. We want to do.
what is best for, for ourselves, and I'm, I'm really happy that that you're doing that, and you're moving forward, so congratulations.
Thanks, George.
Really appreciate the kind words, you know, and loss at the end of the Dice for Living and now there are, you know, obviously, if some of you may know that every journey has been quite, uh, quite a long one attempts, liberal sort of works on the brokerage and upon. And it's been so supportive of me this entire time. And I'm really looking forward to being able to go out and do the things that we can. We said that risk, and we wanted to go over the last four years. And it's really interesting because it sort of takes me back to.
one second.
It sort of takes me back to when I first actually expected. I remember the first phone call, we have J Actually remembers this, but I remember this clearly is talking. About doing some, he's actually probing Jive was actually speaking to look to us for about seven months before you actually reveal that he had a group. And a patron yarn and everything like that.
And sometimes we're speaking every couple of days, you know, for months, and months, and months John's probing and doing your diligence and just making sure that everything that we're doing. There was no inconsistencies, right? Even test about the service itself, and what someone's like going across the line. You know, it all worked out really well.
I guess the rest is history.
Do actually, you know, remember the very, very first pinch team member and I spoke to on the phone besides giant cost, and I'm not sure if you're in the lunch room at the moment, but I'm sure you, you remember as well, that have been a lot of memories along the way, but I'm gonna hold dear, and we're going to hold them in my heart, for the rest of my life.
I'm sorry.
Well, Jay, Jeff, just to let you know, in the question and answer.
There are a lot of people that are just saying giving you their best, and and they you know, so many people have just saying Thank you, Jeff, and and wishing you the best. you may not be able to see it. But, I can, and I just open it and here and here they come as they say that, There's just more and more people wishing you the best, so, I know you can't talk to everybody, but, I wanted to let you know that. That is what's happening on this side, and there's tons of people saying, you know who their broker is and how awesome their broker is.
Quite a few with Jake already, and some here with what it's like with Sam.
And so, you guys just have an amazing team over there any way.
I mean, even last night, you know, Jake and we started talking and before we know it. Boom, 20 minutes was gone. You know, and we just talked about everything.
And so you guys are fantastic over there and the rest of the world needs to know.
Know, what's going on Caleb? I'm around.
There's so many people struggling, even to, this day, trying to navigate exchanges, and having money locked up, and, know, there's nobody to call nobody at e-mail, and you can't sue them, because it's the Wild, Wild West, and USADA our agreement, after all.
And so there's just a lot of people that, you know, man. I wish.
obviously, we could shout from the rooftops, but, But Jeff, you know, you're amazing buddy. And the team you've assembled over there is amazing, and we sure appreciate it. And Jake, if you want to give it a try one more time, we'll, we'll see if you can bring in. Can you communicate?
Yeah, we can hear you now.
Oh, perfect. Sorry, I may not have been working right just before. Well, first of all, thanks so much for giving us this opportunity, and I'm not with Jeff in the office. I have been in London for a little bit now, so I guess to kind of give you all some insights on pretty much all hours of the day, and night during this period of transition, and look much, like a lot of you are upset, sad. But at the end of the day, it's a situation where we're of all go to the end goal in sight. And I've worked with a lot of clients who go through the ... Market, we went through all markets, the good times and bad times.
one of the best parts about the jobs that people send you, any form of ... like this. I just paid off my household family, or whatever it may be.
And I've always looked at it from the perspective of clients as has Jess.
Now, we're kind of seeing it more holistic than that. And now, just gonna be able to travel the world, I think, is going to start with a smile there and check out some of the, the wild place, is probably going to knock on the door to the Office of ...
sometime soon. I'm sure it will be a surprise. And he's, like, he said, he's still going to be around. It's still Jeff at caliban brown dot com, as it always has been, as it always will be.
He's going to be doing a lot more in terms of training, a lot of new people who join up, helping resonate the message of these years throughout the business as we continue to grow. A lot of us, a lot of you guys started working with us when we were quite a small team and a small office in Melbourne, Australia. And now we've got multiple floors. We've got probably 60 odd staff in Melbourne. Got a team over here in Europe, are working with people all around the world. I've even had the pleasure of getting to see some people from, from the group, in France, and in the UK, so it's, it's very exciting, and I'm excited that Jeff gets to take the journey into the next direction. one that allows him to spend more time with family.
More time with friends, still contribute immensely to the business.
But in many respects, pass the torch on. We've got a lot of awesome brokers'.
We've got so many people behind the scenes, so many traders, people working in security, people working in custody developers, and we're excited to be able to release a lot of the products, including a july 24th operation, a client interface. So, you can kind of have an application on your phone and just see all the information at hand, or your balances there.
Interest generation, stating lending, these are all the things that are on the horizon.
I'm going to be really excited to be able to update everyone on that as they get released. So be sure to stay tuned for a better and better future. And I think a lot of you are probably going to be bumping shoulders with Jeff sometime in the, in the years to come. So, I'm super excited for Jeff.
I'm excited for you guys. I'm excited for all the staff members at Pelican Brown.
And I just want to extend my continued gratitude to be able to be a part of something that goes so much more beyond where Berea as something that really like, extends into more of a worldwide community over 100 different countries.
It's fantastic.
Well, listen, Jeff, I know you got a little emotional there. I feel the same emotion, you do buddy.
Uh, I had a good little cry with my wife the other night, as well, after we talked, and, uh, I know it's not goodby ever for us, because you and I are going to be buddies for the rest of our life.
But, uh, you'll be missed my friend.
You'll be missed every time something is going on, exciting in the crypto space.
You'll be missed, Trust me, and we will be calling you to tell you that your mics. Please, they are at least texting you. Yeah, please. Please. Do you mind if my lines always still going to be on that. I'm still going to be very much amongst the crypto space. And I'm going to be looking to get, now, once it had a little bit of travel, I'm going to be going to conferences and going to crypto meet-ups and trying to get on the forefront of it.
Yeah, and there will be future opportunities. Retired.
And, yeah, really look forward to maybe doing a road trip around the US, and then sort of getting to getting an opportunity to meet some people face to face.
Because it's a great, great to have been able to work on grants. The Internet, Right?
You have the opportunity to work with people all around the world.
And since it's a really strange thing, if you think about it, you know, you're working with us and all broken out in Australia, you should make a couple of people on the phone.
And things get done and it's, uh, it's pretty well when you think about it.
But, yeah, really looking forward, the next step and, and as Joe said, you know, we've, we've been pretty tight lipped about developments. And then what we're trying to do here.
Alvin Brown, know, it's because, you know, we want it to be a real surprise for everyone who's been a supporter of us for so many years. You know, it takes a lot of time. So there's no cookie cutter solutions to building out all these new products.
I like the 24 hour solution, the interface, lending products, all that sort of stuff.
Now, it's not, it's not there yet, but fascinating Pei's team will be the very first to know about it, and that's the thing.
It's a: It's our way of being able to re-invest back on what we do so that we can create for the value for PayPal, and You've all been with us on this incredible journey.
And, you know, I'm really looking forward for the next several years, decades, however long it is, You know, and, uh, just know that. it isn't, it isn't goodbye. Let's see. A lighter touch up against me. And I'm sure so, yeah.
It's a lovely thing.
All right. Well, much love from the bench team buddy.
And for people that were not here live, and are going to be listening to this later, just know, guys, that, this all started.
I think, with Jeff and I, I got somewhere around, about four years ago.
And I have personally built millions and millions and millions of dollars worth of trust, which is why when Jeff says it's, this is so wild, it's wild, and it's very special, Because you to be able to do that with people you've never met.
I mean, I've seen him on a live stream But I've never met him, never hugged him, never shook his hand a few people here have.
Um, but to be able to build that kind of trust and have that kind of camaraderie and talk about your personal lives together and have that real relationship with somebody on the other side of the planet, it's absolutely one of the most special things I've ever been a part of.
And so in binge style, camaraderie everybody, reach out to Jeff .... He's going to tell him how much it will.
We will continue to share the love with with everyone else there Caleb, around and you Jeff when we talk to you and when we see you.
Thanks. Thanks for everything giant.
Your, your unwavering support through thick and thin and, you know, we've had it up would have highs or lows you and I am happy, and I'm thankful to call a friend for life, so thank you for everything that you've done, an incredible human being and then people sometimes have to remember that. Yes, you are human as well. You know what I mean? And. you know, we'll will love you for it, so. Thanks a lot. Yeah, thanks Buddy. And Jake: looking forward to working together. Everyone, listen, have a great evening. And George, would you mind getting this recording out to everyone?
Yep, I will get it out there right after Denton.
All right Jeff. Thanks so much Jake. Thank you so much. The future looks bright for everyone.
Enjoy. Just zone. And we'll all be in touch with us.
All right.
Bye. Bye, guys.

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Moema Abreu Elias
Moema Abreu Elias
2 years ago

Fantastic! A beautiful story! 🙌🙏🍀💕 Gratitude 🥰

Troy Randolph
Troy Randolph
2 years ago

Is Sam Boyle apart of your team at Caleb and Brown ? Just check all the boxes

kim ball
kim ball
2 years ago
Reply to  Troy Randolph

You can look at their website and see everyone and yes he is there

Rick McAlister
Rick McAlister
2 years ago

Paul Banna is fabulous!!! Thank you Paul and Caleb & Brown. LEVEL 5 FOLKS!!!

James Barr
James Barr
2 years ago

I’ve got Andrew at CnB.

Great guy too. 🚀🚀🪙🦊

2 years ago

Great story gents. Good luck Jeff!

Sovereign Unicorn
Sovereign Unicorn
2 years ago

Jeff is obviously one of the Good Ones. I have a lot of respect for him and I will let him know that I wish him the best and hope to see him in the States. Thank you for sharing this, Jay.

David Great Day
David Great Day
2 years ago

Thanks for letting us share a Special moment. It was a Great Call.Awesome to think he will help Train!!

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