Live Stream with Dick Argile

0:06 Yeah. 0:40 Hey. Hey, hey. Are you guys ready tonight...

Hey. Hey, hey. Are you guys ready tonight?
Hello, Winners', Happy Wednesday to you guys.
We have a really special guest tonight before we get into that, Georgia with me.
I am good evening, Jay. Thank you so much, George, for being here.
Guys, it's my distinct pleasure to introduce you, to a good friend of mine has become a good friend of mine. We've never met face-to-face, but it feels like we have.
We've shared some intimate conversation.
We've developed a friendship and I am a believer in his work 1000000%, I am happy that he is serving in the crypto community.
I am happy that he and as craw paths have crossed in this lifetime. And tonight, I would like to introduce to you guys none other than Dick Argyle remote viewers ... with us.
Yes, I am, Jay.
How are you and hello to your audience and it's good to be here.
You know, I, I just want to tell the people listening that, The way I got to know Jay was he saw my entry into kryptos three years ago. It's been. And I was documenting my flailing away in a state where exchanges were not could not legally operate, and I was buying kryptos through exchanges in many in Colombia, meeting people in coffee shops with cash like drug deals making.
It's all kinds of mistakes and J reached out to me and, Jay, you've been such a help and you just, just by, you know, just because you're a nice guy, you introduced me to Caleb and Brown.
Guiding my way through Kryptos and I really appreciate all your help. You're a good friend.
Thank you for saying that, Dick. I feel the same way about you.
and, you know, there's nothing I wouldn't do if I can help you, so anytime you just call on me when you when my mobile phone rings and your name shows up, I answer.
However, you always do, and there was, there have been a couple of times when I was, we were oceans apart, and I was in some interesting places, and you were right there, for me, helping me, in untold way. So, thank you.
Yeah, no problem body. No problem, Thank you for coming tonight. Guys, before we get started, I was very, very rare that my wife joins us. So she joins us tonight. Incognito, want to say thank you, honey for being here. It's very rare that my mom comes on. My mom is here with us tonight. Hello, Mom.
And It's very rare that my son is here, too.
So they're all incognito, because I don't want anybody trying to trade my family for Kryptos, but thank you to my family for being here as well tonight.
So, did listeners jump in here? And, George, you just, you just interrupt us if you need to.
Jake, I'd like to, before we go to a few questions, because folks have sent me about 70 questions, and I've narrowed that down to a small group. I don't wanna keep you all night long.
I know it's, uh, just to cut, I think it's two o'clock where you're at today.
And so, tell these guys how you got started in remote viewing, and then maybe tell them exactly what remote viewing is. There's probably some people here that don't know, kind of give them a short synopsis, maybe the Reader's Digest version and then also tell them how that transition into crypto.
OK, that's it, that's a very interesting story. It's the story of the last 20 years of my life.
So we go back into the 1900 nineties Hausa Television, newscaster in Honolulu, Hawaii, and I would drive from the Windward side over to downtown Honolulu every day to go to work at 2 30 in the afternoon to do the six o'clock news, and the 10 o'clock news, anchor the news.
And I would listen to the local news station.
This was before the internet or the, you know, the very beginning of the internet. So you, you know, no satellite TV. No websites.
Just very early days when you got your information from news radio.
So I would listen to the news. Going in, and coming home.
There was a show, the Art Belshaw, and it would just be on, because that's what my radio station was tuned to, and it would be late at night, and I'd be driving from one, you know, through the forest, over the Bali Highway, Those of you that have been to Hawaii, and in the dark night, I would hear Art Pulse voice. Oh, this is pretty crazy, and I kinda got hooked on that show.
And 1, 1 night, he did a segment on remote viewing, and then I read about that.
And I thought, if this is true, I need to know about it, because I had many of us have had moments when we've been psychic, where we've known something, had a dream or something just occurred to us. that, no, it puzzles us. Like, Oh, why did I think of that? How do I know that?
So I investigated remote viewing.
And I eventually was led to a guy here named Glenn Wheaton, who was one of the top military viewers that you'd never heard of because his unit was secret. He didn't write a book. He didn't go on radio shows. He wasn't public.
But I got it.
I got hooked up with him and he taught me for 20 years.
Remote viewing is a natural communication skill.
It is, the Ability two on demand, have moments of non local awareness where you set up a communication pathway between your primary awareness and your subconscious awareness.
All of us have a subconscious that has been trying to talk to us our whole lives, our subconscious resides in a realm of consciousness where all information is non local and everything is there.
It's like, if you are listening to this, this broadcast, this webinar, on a, on a smartphone, It's just there in the air.
You can, every Beatles song is in the air right now. You can pull it down with a device.
Likewise, all information from our universe and the universe, is communication, Is right there, available to your subconscious.
It's just a matter of learning how to communicate with your subconscious, and the military, discovered some very brilliant ways to establish that communication pathway.
So I did it for about 20 years, and I did a couple of, um, sessions that I published, and that we're seen by some people.
And some people got ahold of me through a intermediary, through a third party, and said, Well, Dick, you've got quite a skill there because this one target you did.
What you drew, we know where that is, when we've, we've seen it, and uh, that is pretty secret place in UDOIT, exactly.
Oh, OK.
That's good, feedback, said, well, it, you, it's a dangerous thing, You gotta be careful with that.
And so, I was, kind of, I don't wanna say, brought into a club, I don't get any secret information, but what is public and what is available. I've been directed to that.
And in the, in the course of my education, I suspect I was enlisted by some people and I'm working. Well, I know I'm working. for some people. They're very nice.
And and we have our patria on site.
But in the course of that, one thing they told me was people with your skill have always been taken care of throughout history.
You shouldn't need to want for a nice place to live, food on your table comfort, the finer things.
And they didn't pay me, but what they said was the world is about to change.
We're going into a new financial system, you need to learn about crypto currency and get chum and you'll be OK, so, go learn about kryptos. We'll get back to you in a couple months.
So, that began my career in Kryptos, and, like, gosh, told you, Jay, you've, you've helped me on that journey of Discovery, so, that's how kryptos, um, I'm providing information about financial things, kryptos, changes in the world, and in exchange for that talent.
I was told about Kryptos, and we all know work.
We're going to be very wealthy if we own certain Kryptos, that's the short story.
Yeah, no, that's great. And, you know, let's, let's lay a little ground rules here. This is a private group. And Dick. if we ask anything or any of these questions come off, and you, and you find that it's something you either don't know or be, you just cannot talk about. Please just speak up and say so, but do know. This is private, and it's not going on YouTube. And if there's anything we do talk about, you want taken out, we'll certainly take it out.
So, you know, I think it's a good time, we'll just jump into questions Because like I said to you before, I really appreciate you coming to do this, but I also don't want this to turn into the to the 2 or 3 hour shows, So let's try to keep this around an hour and yeah, so I can always come back sometime, because these are fun. I enjoy it.
Yeah, Yeah, And I'm gonna pull rank a little bit, George and I talked and he and I came up with a joint question.
And so here's here's mine and George's question to you, and then we'll jump into these other ones.
My question, Dick, and George, and I both talked about this. I've been warning folks here, and you know what? Before we get into questions, Listlessly, one other ground rule. I have looked through these questions And I know generally, I think, what dip Dick is going to say about most of them. I want you guys to know, and I'm going to even let Dick say something before I go to questions. The world is changing. It's, not necessarily going to be pretty OK!
So, a lot of what we talk about tonight may may come across with a connotation of, oh gosh, that's a little gloom, and doom. But I guess what I want to say to you, is that if you're here tonight, and Urine Kryptos, I mean, to tell these folks, dig, you know, from from your perspective, people that are in crypto are actually going to be, OK, aren't. I mean, yeah, there's gonna be some stuff to go through, but it's going to be, OK, isn't it?
You're, you're going to need it. It's going to be generational wealth.
It's what I've been told, I was told Dick get one Bitcoin for you. one for your wife and one to play with.
And you'll be, you'll be set, and I'm sure your listeners and your subscriber's have far more than that.
So, um, it's, it's going to be untold wealth.
I firmly believe that, believe is not a good word to use, but the facts that have been shown to me indicate that, yeah, well, we're going to, we're going to do well, but it is, it is going to be a difficult trick. I mean, look, look what's happening around us.
Yeah, for sure.
And you know, and I have talked about some of this over the past a year and a half, you've, you know that some of the things I've told you privately are manifesting now.
Absolutely, 100%!
Well, so our question was, and I just wanted people to know, guys, we're not trying to have a doom and gloom talk here tonight, but some of these questions I know the answers to. And it may not be pretty. So as one of the things I wanted to ask Dick was, I've been warning about Bank balance. And in fact, the disappearing of banks, for about 18 months and on february 14th, 2019 deck, you did a YouTube video and you predicted almost the exact same thing. You said sometime from 20 20. And beyond you thought there was going to be a time where the banks with bail in. And I'm now being told, that's probably first, second quarter next year is what I'm being told right this minute.
It was supposed to be the fourth quarter of this year. Now, I'm hearing first second quarter, and I just wondered if you can address this from your side, and maybe even talk about how this will transition into international commercial law, because you also mentioned that on the same video.
That, the information that I'm getting, is that the two systems will run in parallel for some time, and we're not sure exactly how that will be that.
Transitioning the entire financial system of the world is a, is the biggest job ever under taken.
You need insurance, and you need investments and you need KYC, derivatives.
All banking, everything's got to be switched over to Blockchain and they it's just a huge job.
The banks, at some point, if you have $5 million assets in a bank, they're going to tell you, well, that's covered by FDIC for 250,000.
So you get 250,000, the banks, like every other, every other business and all the other corporations, some will make it and some won't, and there will be a lot of consolidation.
You're going to see most airlines going out of business as early as next month, or cutting back.
Like, big airlines will say, OK, we're grounding, 80% of our planes, or 70% of our planes and crews and they just won't have jobs.
So, it's, it's all about some, the ones that are compliant will, will survive.
And the ones that aren't compliant will either go by the wayside or be consumed by the others.
So, banking is not my area of expertise, and exactly when, I'm not sure that they, they try to keep me blind.
And don't brief me too much on that so that I can do remote viewing without being having opinions about it.
Yeah, let's just explain that, to people that may not know. When you're given a target to go and remote view, it's always blind.
And you're given this, kind of, this series of characters, like, it might be a 65 dash J 41, too.
And you're supposed to take that, literally, that list of characters, and go do your special task, and come up with what it is, Is that, Is that not? Correct?
Let's go ahead my mic off, sorry about that.
The target here, the tasker, it's all about intent.
So, what, what we do is, we generate, we have a computer generated random number, like A one, B, two, C, three, D four.
And then, the person takes that random sequence: L 9, 7 Q dash, four Z, L one.
And they repeat that, they look, they know what the target question is.
They stated out loud they make a connection in consciousness between that A one, B, two, C three, D four.
They, they, they create that address in the greater field of consciousness and then they just give us the code letters and we go from there.
That's to avoid any front loading because the remote viewing signal is so faint.
If it's, if you have any information about the target, you can't successfully do it, because your conscious mind will overwhelm it.
Wow, I've actually seen you do this!
And I've seen you do it, not live, but I've seen you do it over video, and it's absolutely fascinating, It's fascinating for those of you guys that have not ever seen any of that. Later, you're gonna get a chance to find out how you can find Dick.
So now he's got a patron channel. I know they've also got their own website now, so they're kind of moving away from patron. Is that right there? You guys kind of moving away from that that a little bit.
one of our advisors told us almost two years ago, um, a tree on Vimeo, all these platforms are going to have problems with the type of material. You know, there's going to be more censorship.
There's there going to be problems.
So, we have a private site, and I don't do any, I don't have anything to do with that, that's the luxury I have at crypto viewing.
They said, Dick, you can just remote view and make videos as you like, and we'll handle all the rest.
So, there is a private portal, but I think you have to get invited through our patron.
So, the The way to get to this patreon dot com slash crypto viewing are our website, I think, you've got that up on the, what we're looking at.
That picture of me, I'm wearing a, they told me you don't need to wear a coat, a jacket, Dick, you can wear.
You can wear a T-shirt, if you want. If you like a Good Boy Scout, I'll tell you that.
Yeah, well, I was, for many years. So, it's patria dot com slash crypto viewing, or crypto viewing dot com. And then somehow, the private members get invited to the private site.
And that's, we want to be able to control our own site.
And up, I'll tell you, this is an interesting fact that you probably, no J, but maybe some of your subscribers don't know.
The top administrators of the world own.
I mean, there anything that's published in public, a web site seminar, somebody's Twitter account.
records, television shows, Radio shows your YouTube channel, if it's in public.
They own it, and they can control it.
But, if it is private, you can you can you can disseminate more information, and it is allowed if it is private.
So that's why we're that's why you do a private site and, uh, it's the way to go.
Yeah. And that's exciting to that we've got coming up in our near future. All this new technology coming forward through blockchain where we're going to have unstoppable websites, and unstoppable. basically, everything. I mean, it's still got a ways to go, but you know, it's already started, and that's nice.
You have to, you see that continuing you think, well, we remote viewed tether a couple of weeks ago and we were just blown away.
No, not tethered, I'm sorry theta I have to, yeah.
No, I'm I made that mistake once on a transaction.
Flexion we we remote viewed, theta and what we saw was interactive, virtual reality that the Internet will be interactive, virtual reality run on a theta like platform.
Soon then five, G and supercomputers.
Oh, yeah. Yeah we're we've been promoted say you have your people into Theta.
Yeah, most people here are averaged in probably somewhere around 70% on Theta so we're doing well. Good work. There you go. we think it's going to be good.
We collected our position over the course of about a year, I mean I'm a very, very big big holder of Theta Over one million coins and so it's it's been a it's it's I'm excited about it. Excited about it. Let's just let's just mentioned this to Dick well without going too far, and then we'll get back to the questions.
But when you guys hear Dick say This is what you're going to see happen. Just understand that Dick when he said earlier that some folks reached out to him and you know he said For the most part, I kind of worked for him. It's a tradeoff. What is what he's saying to you guys? They're in and I know this for a fact because I've had those intimate conversations with Dick, his, his folks that he's working with. They go all the way at the top gas all the way at the top. So when you hear him say that, he's not speculating, he's just repeating, you know, he's willing to repeat to us here probably some of the things he's been told.
I'll tell you how it works.
The people that administer the, those, who administer this world have, on limited resources. They own everything. They have all the money.
When someone shows excellence, talent, unique intelligence, and ability, they find out about them. And if need be they scoop them up and they get them to work.
There are thousands, of maybe 10000 people that just work, going around the globe, keeping track of things, making sure stuff runs, the way it needs, advising, corporations, advising, governments, advising, members of the judiciary, where the ship needs to be steered. And the ship is constantly steered, And it is steered decades in advance.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, how powerful is that statement, so as if you, if you have someone who shows, you know, I'm not the best remote viewer, we were talking privately about Joe Mcmonagle, I think he's better than me, I know he's better than me.
Um, but someone who exhibits that talent, they there, they get, they show up on the radar, and so they can be directed.
They direct all YouTube channels, if someone is a YouTube influencer, and they need to be directed in a certain, in a certain way.
Someone will just get ahold of them and say, hey, I've got, I've got a segment you might do, here's some really juicy information.
It? So, the YouTube influencer does that segment. Because they've been provided juicy information.
Well, that segment all all of a sudden results in a lot of likes. A lot of their channel now gets recommended more often, they get more advertising and they go, Well, that's the direction I need to go.
So, they can be steered just by a little tip. And a little hint like, Hey, why don't you do this segment?
Then, it's done all the time.
Wow, yeah, always control.
They have no clue to that they're, they're part of the pond, you know, yeah. So, let's jump in here on some more questions, Dick, and anytime you want to segue, just segue, so Tony Rights, and he says, Hey, Dick. I have 2, 2 young children.
What type of world will they be growing up in during the next 10 to 20 year period? Should I feel excited for them, or should I be preparing them for something less positive?
Well, if you have cryptocurrency, you're going to provide them generational wealth.
And there'll be very well off.
They're going to need to learn how to navigate a world in a system that is going to be much different, because it will probably not have nation states. It's going to be run on the blockchain by NGO's, Incorporations.
And the rules are going to be smart contracts enforced by the rules of the Blockchain.
So, it will be a very, very different world, They will see technology that will be, you, couldn't even dream of.
But, if they, with the wealth provided by the crypto, they should.
they should have a marvelous life.
That would be my short answer.
So, I would be positive, but it's going to be much different.
No, young people today are being taught to not Revere the nation state. They're being taught that, Oh, nation states are systemically racist.
They're bad, and I don't want to get into politics, but this is all being designed.
two, your children will be what's known as cellular automaton.
So, their interest and their allegiance will be to the, not to the tribe that they grew up with in their nation state, but that the people who share their interests over platforms like Theta and other platforms where they can interact and share data and earn tokens for sharing data and interacting.
Nice, so guys, make sure you're in crypto.
And let's be clear, Dick, you have information, which we're not going to go into tonight. But like, you have information about, for example, I'm just, this is probably not the right example, but just let's use it as an example.
You know about kryptos, that, for example, the IMF is behind, correct.
Yeah, well, they're all, wait. I just bumped my headphones, so I'm sorry.
I'm having a, give me one second right here. Yeah, that gets that's on the record.
I mean, if you go, you can look up right now.
World Economic Forum, the great Reset.
And see what they have in mind. Do a web search.
I haven't, I haven't published this yet, so I'm giving this to your subscriber's before I give it to mine.
Just a. Just a couple of clues.
Lookup, Prince, Charles, The great Reset.
Let me let me uh French, Charles, the great reset.
I think that's the term Prince of Wales and other leaders on the Forum, the Great Reset, the theme of Davos 2021.
Prince Charles says the pandemic is a chance to think big and hack big.
They needed well, Jay, you've known that in your people probably have known that this the economic system is going to collapse. I mean, that's a mathematical certainty correct?
100% winner.
OK, so look at how brilliant they are, they brought in ...
and they've they're winding down the economy, They ground it to a standstill and nobody is really I mean, the only people on the streets of the black lives matters people and they're being directed to cause chaos. But normal.
Working people aren't going out and, and trying to lynch the bankers because of their 401 K is going to be worthless, they're pumping money and so they think it's still worth something.
It's not why, since you mentioned 401 K, you and I have had a couple of conversations about that in your regard. Did you dump your 401 K and put it all in crypto?
I did, in January.
I called up the, the manager, I won't shake who it was.
And I said, um, cut me a check.
And I wired that money to Jeff Zylstra at Caleb and Brown thanks to you.
And it's going to do very well it. It did really well to it until this little downturn I was I had more than doubled, it maybe tripled it.
So, yeah, I'm all in on Chrome since a doubled, and tripled when it was in your 401 K.
Well, a long time and who that that is, it's an illusion.
If you look at the stock market in January, with full employment in the economy, just humming, full bore.
And now, all the restaurants are closed business or closed. No one's working, There's no travel industry.
The airlines are all grounded in the stock markets backup where it was, how the, That's just because they're putting fake money into it.
Yeah. The money's gotta go somewhere.
It's gotta go somewhere. So, let's go to Let me ask you.
Yeah, your audience, all the people listening here, they're pretty much into kryptos, aren't they, aren't? Every single one of them are in crypto. Everyone, including my mom, Barry.
There you go.
Every single one of them. And, you know, there's some, I'm looking down the list here. There are some very, I mean, there's one guy here, not listening right now, and I know for a fact, he just built a $7 million portfolio.
So I helped him do it. So there's, there's some folks here that are, that are definitely tuned in, and tap down, and look that, I've been talking about you for a long time. In fact, this next question, and kinda will give you an idea. Lee writes in and says Dick.
Jay has told us over and over that he views you as a national treasure and very much values the friendship between you. So the binge team. That's what we're called. Dick were called, the binge team, stands for big income, no job. So the binge team automatically feels connected to you. Thank you for serving. My question is, Jay has expressed to us.
The only savior we have is ourselves, and that this is the time for taking full responsibility of our lives, and that the show we see on TV and social media via politics or finance is all BS. Can you, through remote viewing or your contacts, confirm what Jay has said or deny? And if it is true, can you explain on the topic as much as you're allowed to share?
OK, I agree, 100%.
Am not.
Jay, you don't see me promoting myself too much. I mean, I came on here, say, OK, our patrons on site, I don't take a salary from our patrons site.
My remote, or a fact, my remote viewing instructor told me.
Don't get money involved.
Is shown as you get money involved. You're going to ***** it up here, Mike.
My teacher taught me for 18 years and wouldn't accept a nickel.
And so when the people got ahold of me and said, Dick, ura, they didn't use the word national treasure and thanks for the compliment.
I'm just normal guy that learned this skill, and I, I have plenty of faults, but when they asked me to do this, and said, People would pay for it, I said, Man, I don't know if I want.
I don't want to be entrusted with Trying to tell people how to.
No, invest their money.
But they did, they did give me information that yes, this financial system is is going down and that the future is going to be kryptos.
And like I said about all you Tube, anything you see in public it's all control.
There are gatekeepers at every level.
If you see it in the public, it's a gatekeeper.
Did I answer that question? There was something else. What was I gonna confirm that that, oh, about being in charge of your own life.
What my mentor tells me and you, you know, who one of my mentors is, Jay, is the, the most incredible person I've ever spoken with.
Just said, Nick, do you need to have a decision space? You need to have information.
You cannot affect this. You cannot change it.
But if you understand it, you'll be able to navigate it.
So, the person who just asked, Will, my children, in 20 10 years B, OK?
Yes, if you understand the, the illusory nature of our reality and what we are told is all not true but you get into kryptos you can go find your own little, safe corner.
I, I think, hopefully, the more information you have, the greater ability you have to navigate these coming changes.
And so, Dick expanded a little bit from this person's question. They talk about.
You know, what they're seeing on TV and social media of politically and financial being just kind of a show. They're wanting to know, can you confirm that that is true?
Yes, that's true.
I wished I was speaking with one of my mentors but just a couple of weeks ago and we're seeing rioting in the streets. We're seeing the dismantling of our political system, we're just seeing the the coming civil War.
And I said, I understand the purpose of this is to bring in a new system out of the chaos, but it's difficult for me to see this happening to my country and he said, Dick, it's not your country.
It never was.
It's the United States, is a is a trust, It's a corporation, And it's a bankrupt corporation, and the people that run it are just the trustees.
At the, the people that administer the world, if you think of while the people running America, why? Why wouldn't they be nationalistic? And why would they know why would they ship our jobs to China?
They don't give a ****, they're not nationalists there.
They're international corporatists, and they're working for their bosses.
So yes.
Everything you see on the news, it's carefully crafted to give you reinforcement for whatever.
Whatever side you want to believe, in whatever belief system you have, there'll be, you can tune into somebody that will reinforce that and get you all worked up.
But you've got to learn to look above it and see the bigger picture, very wise advice.
And when we think about the term left wing, and the term right-wing, we can't leave out the fact.
There's a a head, a bird that that typically wings are attached to that. That kinda orchestrates the wings. And so that's kinda what we're talking about here. is that now, right? Yeah. I really did a segment on YouTube.
I just did a segment on YouTube that people should watch if they go to the YouTube crypto viewing on the Supreme Court, because there's this big fight over.
Oh, Trump's going to use his constitutional duty to nominate a justice, to replace, to replace ginzburg, and they Senate. the Republicans have controls, so they can rightfully confirm.
And there's going to be a big battle over that.
Well, that's all just to show, if you look at the Supreme Court and I I illustrate this in my YouTube segment, Look at the columns in the pyramid on top, and then go look at A A Roman temple from centuries ago and then go look at a Greek temple from a previous civilization.
It's the exact architecture of the Supreme Court, and there's a message in there. The stairs are where the common man, the citizens, the residents, reside.
And then you have the columns and the columns represent the so-called pillars of society, The pillars of economy, education, medicine, banking, finance, knowledge.
All these, all these are pillars, and as you advance up the pillars, you're gonna hear a helicopter go by, you might hear some background noise, I'm in a noisy place, Pardon?
That wasn't too loud.
As you ascend those pillars, there are lamp's on the, or torches on the side of the pillar.
That is because when you pick, when you achieve a certain level, you become illuminated, you become one of the enlightened ones.
And those pillars hold up the pyramid, and you see figures at the top, the Supreme Court go look at a picture of the Supreme Court there nine, people in their nine gods or the high priests, it's a temple. It's the same temple, Run by the same people who ran the Temple in Rome and the Temple in Greece.
It goes back through the dawn to the dawn of time.
And one of the figures in the Supreme Court, you look, he's told in what's called a fascia, which is a bundle of 12 sticks that represents the 12 families.
And now I'm sounding like Jordan Maxwell, and it's got an X on it.
That's a good question, sound like?
Yeah, well, you you you are a Nationalist because you liked your nation.
Uh, it is you have a sovereign nation.
Sovereign is refers to the nobility and the sovereign and the nation, the the Latin Word nacho.
now, Show is Birth, so, your Nation was birthed by the permission of the royalty.
The Royalty.
They still run the world, that's the secret.
Yeah, Maritime Admiralty law was birthed. Yep.
Yep, yep. So, someone's saying here right along line with this question that we, you're answering, and I thought it'd be good to throw it in here. They said, They're like, OK, so, will Trump find any success and keeping us on nation states, states? Some of us are being led to believe that he is playing the role of some savior to the United States, and is trying to return it to a nation, not a corporation. Any truth to this?
Again, this is an illusion if you look at who got Trump elected in 2016. That was Steve Bannon.
If you go to Wikipedia and look up Steve Bannon?
Steve Bannon is connected to French Royal family that helped his family, I forget the name, and I have to look it up. I get so much information, just overload it to me.
Steve Bannon was in US.
Naval intelligence, and then he went to Hollywood and became a producer. And then he was a top man at Goldman Sachs.
And then he got Trump.
So he is an ultimate insider.
So he was, his job was to get Trump elected.
Trump's job is to be is to oversee the bankruptcy of the United States corporation.
He's good at bankruptcy.
He's done that.
He's done that, and he's, he's doing a good job here, so aye.
I actually, OK, I'll synthesis private. I don't do this much.
I was a television. I was a reporter. I was a good journalist.
In the days when journalists could never express an opinion. I covered presidents, I interviewed and spoke one-on-one, with GOV's, Senators, US.
Representative, state representatives, mayors, City council members, by the at least hundreds in my career.
None of them ever, or none of my viewers that consumed my news that I output.
No one would ever know my politics.
That was the way it was done.
You never, in nowadays, these reporters are just propagandists.
They're just campaign.
They're just advocates for, mostly, for the left, but I like Trump, because he, he just raises so much ****.
He he speaks his mind, and I find him kind of refreshing.
But keep in mind that he was, the architect of his victory, was Steve Bannon, who is an ultimate globalist.
They control everything, J and all your listeners.
There's nothing that happens here, or you. I mean, you've got connections, I don't have, and so I want them to hear these things from you. They've heard some of this for me. And, you know, they may walk away and go, well, I don't know that I believe that guy or whatever.
But, I mean, this has come else is very, very well connected very Well, if you're going to, If you're going to quote, take your country back or throw the ******** out.
OK, I didn't make the final point on the Supreme Court that this is a temple that is the lineage back to other civilizations look at what has happened on the Supreme Court, they.
Uh they bring in John Roberts, who is supposedly a conservative and Gorsuch who is supposedly a conservative and they're voting with the Liberals.
They're not voting, and they're, they're not voting for the Constitution did, did Roberts' uphold the Constitution when he brought in obama-care?
He was doing what the, what the owners of the country wanted him to do.
So, it's all just to show, they get to, they get to pretend to be conservative or liberal, but they're going to do what needs to be done.
No, Dick. The way that I've always put it to people is, I've said, listen.
Have you ever had a corporation before? And they go? well, of course, I have. And I say, well, listen. if you were going to have a president of your corporation, wouldn't you pick them? Would you leave it up to the layman to decide who's going to pay the president of your corporation? Or would you decide?
Yeah, exactly, And here's the here's the real kicker that I was told early on.
Is that traditionally, not maybe not all of them, but traditionally the Presidents and prime ministers are the ******* children of the ruling elite that they, they, they're of the bloodline.
So only the certain bloodlines get to really rule things.
Mmm hmm.
So I think that, yeah, you probably think the US military works for that.
Somebody asked me a question on our website.
Like, well, why would the CIA or the NSA be, you know, doing this, or that it was something to do with kryptos.
And I asked, one of the, I got ahold of somebody that's helping us, you know, and I said, well, what about that? They said, well.
First of all, do you know who the NSA works far in the CIA?
Who would that be?
Queen of England, toynbee, because of England, is in charge of maritime commerce.
She has the privilege to oversee and take the, take the profits from maritime commerce.
That before the rest of it goes up to the Vatican and above.
But basically, Dick, it's like the queen, and then the Vatican and then Rome is at about it.
Yeah, and then there's some, what lines above that?
That's there, you're treading on dangerous ground and I'm not told any of that.
And I'm, I'm hinted at it but it's like: no, don't don't, don't go there.
Let me give you an example.
For those of you who know history, And I bet there are, there are some very smart people listening and there are that, that no, can remember back in the Was it the 19 fifties.
Moza deck in Iran was elected by the people and the CIA went and overturn that election and installed the Shah.
Now, why would the CIA do what what national interested the US have in that being done? Well, no, that was for British petroleum. That was done for the Queen.
That was done to keep the British petroleum and control.
Hmm hmm, hmm, So it's all a larger game. It's all a larger game. that's in the in the background.
Yeah, so here's someone ask and they said I'm seeing and hearing a large crypto cities that are planned an Africa.
I'm also seeing all the large tech companies in the race to gain a foothold on Africa.
In your opinion, Dick, what do you see happening in Africa over the next 5 to 10, 20 years regarding the covert impact, the crypto, the tech progression? And then their second question was, Do you see China having an increased control, which I have talked about a lot?
China The Silk Road?
OK, that is a great question that is, that is the most intriguing question.
I love it.
I would like to have, Jay, you might have to have that person e-mail me, if you could put me in touch, and I'll, I'll tell you why.
First, China, The decision to bring China to the position it is in today and the rest of Asia.
That decision was made in 19 72.
At a treaty and a conference in Lima, Peru, the elite met in Lima.
And the word was handed down that, OK, the 20th century was the American century and the century of the west, Wery, the scientific advancement, the industrial might, and the economic might will be concentrated in the West and particularly America, but in 72, they said we need to plan, too, bring Asia up and to bring them into parity, so, what we're going to do is move manufacturing to China.
And that's when Kissinger.
You always wonder why Kissinger is advising all these presidents and he never seems to die.
That's a whole other story, but Kissinger took Nixon to China and they opened up China and that forged what later became the supply chain to Wal-Mart and all the, all the industry moving to China, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam.
We fought a war with Vietnam, I was over there, I wasn't in the Vietnam War, I went in the nineties, and I was like, wow, this is pretty, uh, developing nation here, but, now, they have tremendous manufacturing, and they're, they're a partner with us.
So that was decided back in 72, That's how far in advance, that's when they decide that's when they decided to start implementing that plan 72, what you see, the rise of China.
OK, Saudi Arabia, this is really interesting, because the information I'm getting, I haven't heard about crypto cities, but I'm I'm going to get ahold of my people.
What I've been told is that yes, Saudi Arabia, Libya, that whole part of the world because of climatic and weather changes, you can go Google.
Let me go right now and do this in real-time YouTube ah, Saudi Desert.
Green Turns Green.
So just go, just go Just go type that in YouTube, Saudi Desert turns Green, Desert's, getting great in Saudi Arabia, unbelievable weather changes.
Sign The M Ahmadi Desert will Turn Green Deserts will turn green Desert turn.
You could, you can.
How much can I say about this? We're going into a time when we're going to have an ice age in the northern hemisphere.
The currents are going to change.
That's going to food production is going to be difficult in the northern hemisphere.
And the food production is, you know, the elites have all been moving to patagonian, South America, south of the border, is going to be the place to be.
And, that makes sense.
That they would be doing kryptos, because the, the food production is going to move down there, because of weather changes?
Hm, hm, But I would like to get more information on the crypto cities. I can probably look that up, and I'll ask my guy, but that would be a good segment. But that was a very good question.
Whoever asked that, you have some good information, you're an interesting person.
I'm impressed.
I think here's an equally good one that you could probably speak about. It's a population question. This person's basically saying, hey, you know, tell us about the actual population on planet Earth. I feel like we're being lied to. We've been stuck at the same number forever. What's going on about population?
I think it's over 10 billion. But it's going to be a lot less in about five years.
If you look at Jeff Wrench released this, I did not release this.
I was aware of it a year, two year, over two years ago.
If you go to rent dot com, I'm sure some of your people are.
I was just on Chef rents and the unit didn't come from me, the third under Headline News, 1, 2, 3, 4 down, D, gle dot com, D, a G L dot com projection for the US. It's hidden in plain sight.
There's a think tank that is publishing the, the, the, and this gets back to the guy that asked about his daughters, you know, his, his children in 10 years.
The projected population of the US, 2000, 25 is 100 million.
That's down according to ... dot com. Now, this is not my information, and I didn't put this out, this is public time only, quoting what Jeff ... put up.
Yeah, I've seen it.
It's there, and that's supposed to be a military Rann website, jerez!
So, back to our, we're gonna, we haven't got into the doom and gloom yet, but the, uh, it's going to be some hard times.
Well, look, the world has never going to be this the same, look, what, look, what's happened in the last eight months, nine months.
They, they've shut down the economy, nobodies, nobody's really here and there are some people go demonstrate and say, Let us open this up, but they've, they've clamped down on it.
Mmm hmm.
So here's someone asking Dick kind of a quick one I think they're wanting to know where could a person go if they wanted to learn how to remote view? And they're even asking, is this a skill that you just anybody can learn?
I believe it is a skill, it's a natural communication skill.
I think I had just as much normal talent as anyone else.
I was lucky because I met this military guy who gave classes for free, ever. You know, you can, you can go take a weekend remote viewing class or an intensive class that they'll teach you?
You know, a one week course, and I took the Introductory one week course, but to learn what I learned man.
It took me Years, and it was a lot of work.
We may offer a course at some Point. I'm just too busy right now.
I actually have a training module on video and on, um, like PowerPoint.
So I've trained a couple of people.
It's, it's a lot of, it's a lot of work.
There's a woman that, I guess if somebody really is interested, get ahold of me through you and I'll there's a lady that was in the group that I learned with that teach us an online course.
Just, it's just take so much time and effort to give feedback, because if I taught 10 people, They'd be doing 3, 4 sessions a week.
So, that would be 30 or 40 sessions that I've gotta go over, and I've got to explain the, their data and make graphics for them.
And I just don't have time to do that. And I'm sure you're busy guy. When you talk, I can always tell you got one foot off the phone call, you know, you're just busy, everybody's calling. everybody wants. A piece of you, and so I'm always trying to just be respectful that this person is asking here, Dick. They really want to move to Hawaii, wanted to move to Y for a long time and they're wondering if you see some of the earthquake scenarios, tsunamis scenarios they've been hearing about for Hawaii.
I think there's going to be a tsunami in Hawaii and I I left Hawaii and I was so for again homesick, you know, Jeff.
Jay, you, I cried on your shoulder, You, you were talking with me when I was down there and you know how?
Uh, how sad I was. I was just in a very bad way. Hawaii is the most magical place.
I think for the for the person who asked that question.
When you make your millions on Kryptos, go find a place in up country. Maui, don't get a place on the beach. Go up a thousand feet, 1800 feet and get a nice home.
You'll still be close enough and it's a lovely place.
Maybe either the Big Island but the bigger ion has an active volcano.
I don't know how to tell people where a safe place would be because there are going to be a lot of changes and the I think the oceans are gonna slosh around a bit.
My wife and I were down and we were so despondent that we just said if we die, we are going to die together, we've had a good life, we're in our sixties.
We gotta go home to family. And I said, if I have one more year in Hawaii, it's better than being this.
I cried every day, I'm mister Weiss, so bad.
It's the most special place in the most special culture and people, It's just magical.
Hm, hm, hm.
That's so great to hear that, Dick. And, yeah, we did. We did talk while you were down there for sure. And my wife and I were doing everything we could to try and try and help with, with, what you guys were going through, yeah, Well, you did a lot, and I appreciate that. That's when I knew you were a true friend.
Yeah, thank you. So, I think someone else here is actually asking kind of a very similar question, like, where safe places to go. Did you have you actually seen Dick and your remote viewing? Have you seen some of these things for Hawaii?
I did a, I did a session, And this was a year and a half ago, we're doing private work that we, kind of, some of it, we publish, Some of we don't.
Because we're trying, we're trying to.
We're trying to keep our team safe. We have a core team, crypto viewing.
Um, I saw a place where there were a lot of tench setup and military and, like, porta potties like they took over a stadium or a public like a public park type of thing. And they directed a bunch of buildings and temporary shelter buildings, and it was all military. It was like a military camp.
And it was like, OK, this line for food, this line, to get your vaccination.
And this line, four, digital identity, to get your stable coin, universal, basic income type of thing.
And then it was martial law with the, uh, National Guard.
And then I, I looked ahead and I said, Well, let me look at this later when it changes and I didn't get an exact date, but I said at some point, there's not many, there's not so much supplies in the military people are just go off to fend for themselves.
And that was that that target was placed in Hawaii and that was really chilling for me to remote.
That show It's part of the reason I went down south for awhile.
So you're gonna, you know, we're going to have hard times, and I don't beyond. I have some ammo and some food and water filters.
And I'm in a very vulnerable place. Because Hawaii has us, it's 2500 miles from the close to shore, and everything has to be shipped in. We don't grow our own food.
So I'm kind of hung out here, but I, I'm so attached to the place, and it's it does cause me some anxiety.
I was told one of the reasons I made the trip was to get on the algo rhythm as I set up a business where I was to have business travel. You want to be able to say you're traveling for business. You want to have a record of traveling.
A secondary passport might be a good idea.
No, not a non American passport.
I'm these guys have heard that before Let me ask you this.
I want to give a I want to give a special hello to the lady who asked the Hawaii question.
That's, uh well, her name is Dee.
Yeah, I know the and I know her husband.
He's a really nice guy and he's a big, big Subscriber. You're so very nice.
Guy, I talk with him privately a lot, how are you doing D and D Yeah. So there are quite a few folks here that have heard me I guess endorsing you your channel, what you're doing and I know some of them have joined in the past I'm hoping more will I didn't bring you here for that, but I hope they will join your channel. I think, as I've said before, you're a national treasure whether you're talking about the weather. I mean, you just recently remote viewed the Wind event, I mean, back a month ago. You remote view. the event where all the crops were blown down. I mean, you put this stuff out, and like, usually days later, it's happening. You know, weeks later, it's happening.
So, you know, let me give you a personal N.
No, I don't want to be the guru. I don't want to be like, having people follow me and follow my advice. I really shy away from that.
This is just a demonstration of remote viewing, and we're doing an experiment, and I can be wrong, it's not 100%, I'm not Nostradamus.
But yeah, I was given a Target.
Year and two months ago, that was a future we were looking at like what are going to be some big events coming up that we need to be concerned about.
And I, I didn't understand that. At the time I saw a city skyline and I said, Man, the sky is full of smoke.
This city is like it's daytime, but it's dark, and I got like San Francisco, or some place, and I, we drew that, and I published it.
And I forgot all about that.
That was a year ago, and it's like OK, we've published it, and like, I don't know what that means, but I see cities with bad air, and it's going to be dark for some reason.
And they like nuclear winter almost.
And so I forgot about that, and then I was looking on the Internet a couple of weeks ago when the big fires in California and I looked, I saw a picture of the San Francisco skyline.
I went, Oh, I went back in my files, and I looked through all these sessions, Like, what did I do that was added like, Wow. That was 14 months ago, I do the exact thing.
So that's a chilling.
Feedback. Oh, wow, I saw that, but I didn't understand it.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, what did we go Anyway, yeah, I, I, we have an interesting site, it's crypto viewing dot com, that's not the secret website. You gotta go into patron, and then somehow they invite people. But you can see it.
What I would do, if I were not a member of our site, Don't go join right now, because it's the end of the month. And the patron billing cycle will bill again in one week.
I would wait until October first, and then I would buy a $40 membership, and you can, you can have a whole month with access to most of the good videos, and just spend a month, because you can see videos that we made two years ago predicting what was happening today and our, our work on kryptos.
So don't don't rush off and join today because you'll have to rejoin.
That's that's my, but I don't want somebody to, to go join our patrons site and spend, like, spend 100 bucks and watch for videos, and then they get cut off when the month changes.
So do it at the first of the month, and you can see if you like it, You're not a good marketer.
I don't, I don't sell my ****, you know, Well, you're a class Act, man. That's, that's exactly how it should be done.
And actually, my, my, my patron on, I keep it open, you know, 30 days at a 30, but when people come in, they, it doesn't matter if they come in on the 28th of the month because there's 1300 educational postings there They can Get right to work, ... didn't know. And, so, yes, your class hackman, that's how it's supposed to run that in any way, you know, add archive that that does, that he's in. Charge of that and I don't even know are tiers.
I don't want I like, I just give it away, but we need to we've we've gotten big enough that we need a support staff that we need to pay and some of the other remote viewers do take salaries There.
There are a couple that were not, You know, they were working pretty menial jobs.
You'd think a remote viewer should be rich if they're such a good remote viewer.
But it's not really we don't use it to try to. Now, we kinda sorta are, but anyway, our patrons support other viewers. So, that's a good thing.
So, Dick, we just went over an hour. Can we do this? Can we do a little bit of a speed round because I can't tell you how many Peter I think questions in about coins? And I didn't want to eat with questions about coins, But just in general can I like run you through a couple and just tell me if you're like me if you've looked at in the past.
So there's quite a few quite a few people wrote in and said hey do you still see a future for litecoin?
Had a bad feeling about litecoin just not from remote viewing or any information. I had just because they're not doing anything with it.
There's no development, and I changed my mind.
When I tried to buy the, the D T O P on Coyne, Neil.
Oh, I love that sopa.
Anyway, there's, I was buying this, this obscure little coin and I needed to you have to buy it with tether and so I tried me, I'm an idiot, I don't, I don't.
I'm not that, uh, well versed in kryptos.
I've learned a lot, but I was trying to send a tether over the Ethereum Blockchain and it took 4.5 days and cost a whole bunch of money to get it there.
I sent litecoin in a minute and a half and it all got there and the fees were a lot less.
So litecoin is fast, and it's a good way to send money around.
So, and some really smart guy.
I was bad mouthing litecoin, and a guy named Jay. Told me no Dick litecoin is going to do really well when it all goes up. It's going to pull litecoin up with it.
So my wife and I are just going to buy some more litecoin We're going to send some money down to Geoff zylstra And All your people are on caliban brown, right?
That's why. That's Yeah, OK.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't know how you get anything done of any size if you're not Yeah, when when it's time to take profit. They'll be good.
So yeah, I like Profit I think I like others better, but I haven't dumped my litecoin Speaking of which I've been sitting here. texting with Jeff and he says, Give Dick a shout out for me and I said Yeah, well.
So he was, he was texting me. I'll send them a bunch of my lunch today because he's a he's quite the chef and so he and I share recipes back and forth.
Oh, I just did a I recorded a segment with Jeff last week and I need to publish that it's on my list of things to edit.
Jeff is such a nice guy.
He's he's helped lost a bit on the same wavelength because I'm doing a session with him. What is today? I'm doing a session with him. Sunday, Sunday night.
But I'm gonna probably do it live, and let people come ask their questions. But yeah, listen, you know, recently, I gotta tell you this, Dick. I was on the line with Jeff a couple of nights ago for good two hours.
And I was having some liquidity questions with him, because I'm really concerned about when this crypto goes up and you know, I asked him I said I'll just give you a hypothetical question. I asked him.
I said, Jeff, if I send you 100,000 litecoin can you liquidate them? And he said, you send them to me.
And you ask me the price, and I'm gonna give you the quote, and if you tell me to go, he said they'll be gone in NaN.
Wow, that's good to know.
That's very good And He also said to me that the best way To set a limit order with them.
He said certainly You can do it However you want to, but he said the best way is get an idea of where you think your target is And He said you know if you think of coins coming down to as $5, and you want to buy it At five or under. Just tell us to buy a $5 and under And he said you're gonna get fills At 475 at 465 at 425. You're gonna get all of them and then we'll figure out what the average price is. He said, but it's our job to get you the best possible price there is. And I said, well, you know, Jeff, that goes totally contrary to everybody else because everybody else was charging slippage.
I mean if you go on Exodus right now, they've added a chart feature.
And you look at their pricing, their pricing is way below the market way below. Yeah.
Yeah, I was shocked to learn that.
Well, slippage 5% don't give you the real price.
Yeah, so it's just there take their their skimming a lot of money at while their business to make like, exit as good as the interface is so easy and it's fun to watch it in the run-up. So I have a little bit in some exodus.
Yeah, I don't.
I try not to do much exchanges.
They're just my wife, did an exchange on exodus, and went, oh, my God, they charged me 5% at each way.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So one of the other big ones that came in was other than like homeless Ripple, did you have? Do you have anything on Ripple?
I was told, Excuse me, and let me cough here.
OK, I'm back, sorry, Ripple is the Fukui Family.
If you look up the flute or F Q G R that is old European banking, that is, that was shut up.
For old European banking money, you think they know what's going to happen.
yeah, well, you may not like it, people to, I'm not that's the bankers. We're going to overthrow the bankers. No, you're not.
You're not going, Oh, how are you going to overthrow the bankers by not using their coin?
Good luck.
I have this thing, you know, I have XRP.
Sorry, I think I talked over there. Say that again deck.
I have XRP because that's, why not do what the rich bankers are doing?
yeah, 100% ratio and XRP you talk about, that'll be a fast international settlement, a way to send money around the globe.
Yeah, XRP.
Another big one was, Did you buy?
Uh, our company just put some money, and did your bike with Jeff. We just put an order in with Jeff. three of us pulled some of our money.
I'm big, and did you buy it? I think it's going to do, Well, isn't there?
There's supposed to be an announcement about, did you buy you Probably, you know more about this stuff than I do, J X, I half the time, I call you up asking stuff like that, so I'm not the expert on this point, people. They think you might be looking into the clouds on all this stuff. And so, they want to know if you've seen anything, you know, we, we did A, we did a remote viewing, or did you bite?
I drew that.
Just given the numbers, Q 3 X 4, Z one, R two, I drew the D, Did you bite logo? I said, it's blue and white.
And I said, this is going to be a big one. This is the big.
it's connected to the big money in the world.
So, we are very based on our remote viewing.
We like to do both, Let's go one more, and then let's get you out of here, Buddy. Thank you so much for what you've done so far. And, again, some, I'm sure that we'll have some more questions. Oh, yeah. Listen, there's, there's 200 questions that have come in since you started talking, and I just, we obviously can't keep you here that long, right? So, I would never do that, But. Here's one of the other ones, I know you recently did, Some looking at this, and if this is something you don't want to share, just say so, but, we had quite a few asking about the ... new economy. What does that new economy movement is, that, right, yeah.
Um, OK, Let's see, the remote viewers saw that, and I owe you some information, I know. I personally tell you that I'd give it encapsulated.
The remote viewers saw this as being big, but not for a few years, like a few years out.
And, we got to briefing on nimes, and that was, it led to the great reset.
So, if you look up the NEM Web site, the first thing you see is the Sunrise, the New Dawn. That's a Global Illuminati symbol.
So, that is, that's, that's like, the next.
The block, they're already setting up the block chain of the future, and it's going to be M M.
If you look at their logo, it looks very similar to the Microsoft logo like, oh, if Microsoft is going to have its next iteration off, shoot, what would the logo be? Well, look at the NEM logo.
Same colors and it's reminiscent of Microsoft so there's going to be a block.
It's going to be the economic system run on five G Quantum supercomputers.
Artificial intelligence was the remote viewing work. We did.
I didn't.
That's an interesting one to watch if people are interested in them, I would say, and I've got a, I an ancillary presentation that I've I've got all the notes, and I haven't had time to put that together, but I will, but you can see the remote viewers, debriefing that and giving their data going, I don't like this. I don't understand this. It doesn't look good right now, short-term, it's not good.
And then we, we looked at all of our data about, oh, this is Artificial intelligence.
This is the great rebuild, this is the new structure of the new world, and then we can see it. The light dawned on us when we compare all our data going.
Oh, this one's the one for the future.
This 1 this 1 is going to be big, farther, out, so I would say like me, Dick, do you, remember?
Pardon me.
Do you remember Benjamin?
That reminds me, you know, he has a few gifts like this, obviously, and he talk, he, I remember him saying to people, this, this project in the future is going to be enormous, like this. He said, you're just not going to believe how big this is going to be. Do you remember that?
I just remember that while you were talking, and then I think, I saw, I saw some of the debriefing on that, and I think one of the female remote viewers had saw a fairly good sized crash coming on them as well as that sometime in the future as well.
Yeah, Yeah, well, You know, there are gonna be crashes It's just not gonna just just be the parabolic rise to the top, and you know we all go by our houses in Hawaii. There are going to be ups and downs.
You're gonna have to you're gonna have to follow this, I mean, Yeah.
There'll be pullbacks significant pullbacks, You talk about that all the time. Of course. You do or do I talk about it non-stop?
George, when you get in, when you get up Yeah, I was gonna say X E M. Is having a opt in where you can get X, Y, M, coin, So look into that later on, but that's going to happen towards the end of the year.
Beautiful. Dick, thank you so much. We're gonna let you get back to your beautiful day there in Hawaii, and we sure thank you for taking some time with us. We would love to have you back sometime. We won't ask you too soon, but thank you for being willing to share so much, You're always SOCOM like that.
Jay, Jay, it's my pleasure and aloha to all your people, and day, who asked that question a day, that I'm glad you're there. I just got a text, somebody that I know, like, that was, my wife, asked that question.
Oh, cool, feels like family, so it's fun.
This is a fun chat, It went really, really fast.
I, I like being able to speak to intelligent people in private.
That's fun.
And a couple of those questions were really good. I'm impressed.
I want to know more, welcome back another time and stay longer, because I do with George and I do about a two hour live stream every Thursday. So, two hours for these folks is not a big deal, because we don't typically bore them, you know, So I can tell you this. If everybody's listening tonight, they're not bore. They're excited, So anytime you've got time to come back a little longer, will have any, Tom, Dick, and I recommend.
I'll pop it on, on the first part of the month, show that, then we can promote our patron, and people can go, I don't know how yours works, but I know ours, we got complaints, so I felt really bad, because people were, I did a big promo one time on like that.
The 28th of the month in a whole bunch of people signed up and then they got bumped off two days later, and I had urged them to go there. And I felt like, God, I wanted to refund their money myself.
So, uh, Yeah, well, I'll come back, we'll do, we'll do another.
This is fun. I mean, these are really good questions.
And we all can learn from each other because we need to have that decision space we need to navigate.
This is going to be really interesting time.
I mean, it's going to be the biggest transfer of wealth So that's good but it's going to be some hardship.
I expect Louisville, Kentucky, let me look, because I haven't looked at the news that they're going to burn that down tonight. Probably.
Just remember. It's not your country. It belongs to the owners.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, that's right.
Hey, we didn't do human bloom.
Yeah, we'll do next time.
Yeah, we did good anyway.
Yeah, hey Jay, it's always good to talk with you. I, I, I enjoy it, Thanks.
The pleasure is all mine. And thank you, George, as well. Guys. I'm glad to meet George to. I'd like to talk to you again. in the future.
Yeah, anytime Dec, anytime the guys, if you want to hear more about those things, I mean listen, I've been a member at DIGGS Patria on for a long time, and I cannot tell you how many sessions of debriefing Upset through, and you will absolutely be mesmerized. You will be excited. You'll go, wow, I just cannot believe he hit that. I can't believe that came out in the news. seven days after. he drew that guy with a scar on his face and a tattoo on his nose. And oh, my gosh.
And so it'll blow you away.
But, yeah, just a good. Let me interrupt real quick.
I just did a debrief yesterday, and I did so poorly.
It was so embarrassing, I mean, I have to, I have to go on and present this data every week, and sometimes I, I just was too busy. I didn't have the mental energy to Remote View properly, so I just drew a bunch of **** in it.
It was that it was a space token or a space coin that's based in space, and I got no data about space.
I was like, oh man, I got the feedback so I quickly drew a sketch of me holding a chicken.
Then I drew a sketch of me with my hands empty with just feathers falling through my hands, and I said someday is chickens ... feathers.
And I guess chicken this time and so I I, there's a debrief. You can watch that.
Just for entertainment value because I totally sucked.
I mean, I was just And when they say, I'm on, when I'm off, no excuse.
When that happens, you gotta go put that nurofen on.
Telling me, Oh, I haven't been used. I need to do that. I haven't used that in a in a few weeks.
Telling you guys, what happened the first time you put that on. Do you remember what you told me?
Yes, You put that thing on and you got on.
And I was I was having an out of body experience.
And my wife walked in and said, What are you doing? And I was like, It yanked me back into my body.
And I was like, Oh, I was, you know, I didn't know how to explain. I. was just kind of floating in the top of the room here.
Uh, So, yeah, that's a that's a good thing.
Yeah, I love it, I love that. I remember you telling me to, one time you hooked up to it, and like the minute you put it on, you got into your head space where you needed to be. You heard a voice say, OK, you're on the, yeah, oh, yeah, you're what, what did I say you're admitted, or you've got the frequency Are there.
That's great. Yeah.
There was an actual voice in my head set, ****, you're OK, you, you've got the transmission or something like that. I kinda go, yeah.
No, I have, I do so many of these sessions.
I forget them all about them. I have, I have a really interesting life.
I do. I do a lot of interesting stuff. I entertain the **** out of myself.
It's fun. Well, you entertain me a lot, too.
All right I gotta go buy soybeans so I'm gonna go buy soybean, futures. Somebody's helping me learn how to do that.
Yeah, Dick, thank you for serving everybody.
Yeah, and thanks. Thanks for listening everybody. Thanks for the great questions. I'm sorry, we didn't get to all your questions. We'll come back again.
All right, buddy, have a good day.
Thanks everyone. Thanks, Jay. Thanks George.
OK, all you winters have a good night. Talk with you very soon more to come.

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2 years ago

Dick’s youtube channel is SO good!!

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