
A New Posting @

If you're new to crypto....

Grab the hand of your Founder partner and hold on. This market can whip you into tomorrow in a hurry. Don't panic the bull market only just began in Nov. People will say they know why Bitcoin sold off and you should listen to them. Believe me Bitcoin does what bitcoin wants and no body "in the public" can tell you why, not me not anyone. Keep your cool look for good buys if you have dry powder. I do not have dry powder but I do have the Bitcoin I got when I Sold NPXS. Not sure I will push that in now if I do you guys will be the first to know and I would start with more FLM...

Voice is back 100%, now to get the jaw back 100%. It's a weird kind of pain and I wish it on no-one. No meds today that was nice, I hate meds!! Even the so called good ones!

Thank you to everyone for the warm wishes and comments and thoughts and prayer. You guys are amazing!!!


Author: Crypto Jay